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Tony HellerPLUS



The Case Against Science

  - 4:02

"The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness. As one participant put it, “poor methods get results”. " Richard Horton - editor of The Lancet






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January 2nd 2023  

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- a year ago  



- a year ago  

Today is Greta Thunberg's 20 year birthday. She is no longer a teenager. And I can hear for my inner ear, Gretas parents talking: We're going to let Greta loose on them. No, not Gretaa. Yees,,, Gretaha.

Truth Sleuth

- a year ago  

Ahhh, your video mentioned something I'd not thought about for a long time... Blue Pinewood. The pine beetles would stain the tree's wood blue. Back in the 60's, pine beetles had killed off so much forest in the Rockies it seemed as if the only trees in the forest were going to be aspen. Fast forward a couple of decades, and the forests are back, strong as ever.


- a year ago  

This is not completely about power or money. It is a religion a catastrophic world changing relentless evil religion. The aim is to destroy civilization. The ignorance is so breathtaking it’s hard to fathom.


- a year ago  

There is more destruction now occurring from the CO2 Climate Change movement! Than is supposedly happening from CO2.. Solar panels shall reflect Sun light and the heat.. the insulation of solar panels takes up space. So what is being removed? The Same with Wind turbines and all the sea birds, migrating birds that shall die and are dying from the speed of the outer blade. But of course that is when they do turn or don't catch on fire. Um, Fire no CO2 there or Chemicals. What is so very sad here is MONEY Wins! But for how long? The real devastation is yet to come! My friends if you are here you are aware, but the long road takes us to complete break down. Which is the aim. So control can be had by oppression. History shows us, oppression rarely works people always find a way to take down the Oppressors. It is Very Sad that is the direction this will inevitably take. All that electronic money will just disappear. People can not eat Bricks and Mortar ! Just as the rich can not eat Gold and Diamonds. Food is what we eat and that has to be grown. By who? The people! There will be a new order. It has happened before many times. The WORLD is full of lies and full of liars again history shows that. But current history IS NOT COMPLETE ! Altered or interfered with by liars. How old is current MAN? Right now we are told. Technology will save us. The technology we don't yet have ! Where is there technology that will eliminate Liars, Greed and the Need for Control and Power. These people forget there is a very Powerful and Great Need! That is to survive, The masses against the few..


- a year ago  

I always assumed that the most important thing for pikas was their habitat needs of plenty of grass, along with rocky terrain with enough crevices large enough so that they can harvest and store a winter's supply of hay in the rocks. Too many weasels could certainly wipe them out too. The habitat they require for food and shelter, that has less predator pressure because of lower numbers of other prey, happens to be mountainous areas that are snowy and cold in the winter. -----A total lack of winter snows in the harshest of their range could potentially expose their winter nests to more cold air. In 2017, the last time I was in the Winds, there were noticeably less pikas than previous trips, though there were still large snowfields around Sqaretop & Granite Lake in August.


- a year ago  

Also, their rocky areas need to be open enough for them to keep an eye out for predators, so they can make their cute chirp that warns all their friends to hide.