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Tony HellerPLUS



The High Price Of Freedom

  - 12:51

Pursuing the truth is simply not permitted by the powers that be.






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

January 22nd 2021  

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Category: Politics



- 3 years ago


- 3 years ago  

Sandy Hook was a false flag event.


- 3 years ago  

Overheard these words of Wisdom from a mother to her daughter, " get the degree and be the best there is so even if everyone hates you ,they'll have to hire you. " I guess that only gets you so far. 🤣


- 3 years ago  

The Jews did 911. checkout


- 3 years ago  

Amen. But remember Tony is a Jew, which is why Tony hasn't been banned yet


- 3 years ago  

When I first heard this was a false flag situation I decided to do research and debunk it. All I found was evidence that this whole thing did not make any logical sense what so ever. I'm still not sure it happened at all.


- 3 years ago  

Now here is a 'third rail' topic of extreme clear and present danger to the authorities. It'll be interesting to see how newtube handles this honest inquiry into the ever changing story line that took place surrounding this event. Expect the State's internet operatives to attack the questioning being raised here like some spike protein attaching to a healthy cell. As for Mann, even the AGW crowd have dumped on Mann even as the new admin, same as the old admin, gets ready to roll out its controllers desired propaganda wishes. This with different emphasis according to the whichever admin's branding is the current servant.


- 3 years ago  

Adam Lanza, Tsarnaev brothers, Ahmed Coulibaly ...


- 3 years ago  

Storytelling time!!! 🤗... You all love it don't ya!!? 🤔


- 3 years ago  

You must be one of the spooks behind these endless Statist establishment official lies & coverups.


- 3 years ago  

What makes you think & feel that!!?... 🤔


- 3 years ago  

@JamesHoward: 👍 👍 👍 Sure looks like a commissioned buffoon.


- 3 years ago  

Mr @Rumpleskin!!! .... Still waiting for you to get back to me!!? As I am!! With your little Robin!!! 🤗. So don't be long!! I'm waiting!!! 😊


- 3 years ago  

I do not answer to agents that that do not offer clear-cut arguments, but indulge in innuendos, quipping and cryptic babbling similar to a jester. My points were 1.) the oppression of dissident experts harmful to the cause of the scientific community to extort public funding (as opposed to the “scientific consensus” argument) 2.) That 50 inches of rain is meaningless if no trend behind this weather event can be ascertained and 3.) That’s it embarrassing if a so called “slip of the tongue” like this one, placing A Lincoln into the twentieth century, is not noticed and corrected instantaneously by the interviewer, if not by the interviewee. The CNN moderator didn’t even blink with an eye! As soon as you have learned to articulate arguments, we can enter into a discussion again.


- 3 years ago  

Mr rumpleskin running away from the main argument again hey!!.


- 3 years ago  

TOBY666.... Again you show your total lack of comprehension in language and or reading. It must be hard for you to have the mentality of a 7 year old. You probably do not realize it but, that makes you more of a idiot than a moron.


- 3 years ago  

Hey benditover!! Thanks for the comment... Yeh it can be hard!. But what's your excuse!!?... Cerebrospinal fluid leaking out of the ass!??. That enlargement Tony got must be really big!!!


- 3 years ago  

The weapon shown in the news footage at 4:43 is definitely not a AR rifle. It is clearly an AK design; furthermore, it appears to NOT be a rifle at all, but a shotgun.


- 3 years ago  

Check his psychiatric presciption. Almost everyone of these shootings the accused perpetrator has been on psychotropic medication but the evidence does not add up.


- 3 years ago  

We've never seen pictures of the children. I'm talking about the *live* children. Depending on which filthy lying news media you choose to believe, there were either 450 or 600 children in attendance at Sandy Hook that day. They don't show up in dashcams or chopper footage. We've only seen two pictures of about 15 or 20 children being led across a parking lot with their eyes closed for some reason. And we never hear from their 900 - 1200 parents. We only hear from Noah Posner's father Lenny, and his lawsuits to stifle anyone questioning the "official" tale of Sandy Hook.


- 3 years ago  

Thank you, Tony Heller, for your tenacity in pursuing truth!


- 3 years ago  

Very, very dark times are coming upon the United States of America


- 3 years ago  

Silicon Valley should be ashamed of itself. 😎


- 3 years ago  

The rifle pictured in the trunk of Adam’s car is some type of AK. Not an AR.

Wes Hamel

- 3 years ago  

Feinstein introduced a REVISED bill. These anti-gun bills are always laying around waiting for the right time to be used (Generally some crises). All they have to do is change a few dates and names. It is in the best interest of all politicians (Republicans and Democrats) to make the citizens defenseless. One day they will all come to an agreement to ban guns nationally. Maybe during Bidens watch. The UN has had this agenda for many years and it's been happening all around the world for quite some time.


- 3 years ago  

"Never let a good crisis go to waste" seems like what happened in SH. Is anyone even listening to Michael E. Mann today?

Clive Horridge

- 3 years ago  

Only Biden, he’s been hired as the fraudulent Dems. administration’s official “Climate Change” advisor. He’ll be paid well to spew out more lies.

Spencer Fan

- 3 years ago  

"... that Adam Lanza may not have acted alone." Or at all. It would seem DS actors offed AL and his mother. What really happened at the school? The truth has been buried. Look what happened to James Tracy for asking questions...


- 3 years ago  

The swat team member was in place to kill Adam Lanza if he neglected to kill himself after the school shootings.


- 3 years ago  

the EUSSR is a carbon copy of the USSR in terms of governmental structure see Vladimir Bukovski


- 3 years ago  

There should have been lab tests on the hands of both Lanza and the SWAT officer to see if there were traces of gunpowder and thus identifying them as having fired a weapon. The coronor report should give information about the caliber used in the shooting ( pistol, rifle or shotgun ). A true LEO would not be passive while a shooting was going on only a short distance from his position. He would have investugated and taken action. The "rifle" in the photo was a shotgun. It was not any type of Bushmaster and not an AR15. It had a flapper style magazine release used with Russian style shotguns like a Saiga. The photo of the barrel dimension indicates the caliber to be that of a 12 guage. Rifles have thinner barrels. Perhaps the mystery SWAT guy did the shooting and used Lanza as a fall guy. The long gun appears to be a plant. It also does not make any sense that Lanza would leave his firearm at the scene of his mothers shooting. None of the facts add up. It looks like an agenda driven FF.


- 3 years ago  

"A true LEO would not be passive while a shooting was going on a short distance from his position." What about Scott Isreal? Other than that, your analysis seems reasonable and plausible.


- 3 years ago  

Sandy Hook was based on Dunblane and was for the same reason.


- 3 years ago  

This case has the attributes of a FF event in order to justify legislation

Tom Noyb

- 3 years ago  

Timely. One can be certain Left will be up to their old tricks again soon.


- 3 years ago  

Tony, thank you for your steadfastness in the pursuit of truth.


- 3 years ago  

This is what got Alex Jones banned off everything.


- 3 years ago  

We still haven't been able to see the 27 pages of the 9/11 report that deal with Saudi Arabia's involvement.


- 3 years ago  

After 9/11, if the administration had the balls it would have taken over Saudi Arabia and OWNED the oil fields


- 3 years ago  

He knows how evil the bastards are, they'll kill citizens, even children to further their grasp on power.


- 3 years ago  

@Jackstansfield - Why do that? We crippled the Saudis with fracking and US energy production. Why go toe to toe and endanger US lives when we can just crush them economically?


- 3 years ago  

I looked read EVERYTHING I could find during and after Sandy hoax. ONE question Tony...when riding by did you EVER see the school open and kids going to school?


- 3 years ago  

The video starts to break up during the CBS news clip at about 7:50.. then it clears up afterward. Co-inky-dinky?


- 3 years ago  

I can't get it to stream much past that, it's just an old fashioned buffer fest! Funny my NSFW content streams just fine!🤣

José Silveira

- 3 years ago  

Like any other false flag operations with an agenda, this one was commissioned to ensure the ban of riffles, just like Christchurch. All was arranged previously! We are going to see a lot more of this now to, either force US people to surrender their guns or to declare martial law, to do it by force. Even if it starts a civil war, it's OK with these psychopaths, who seek total destruction to rebuild at their whims. Last year they had predicted a reduction of US population to about 100 million - as they are pumping in immigrants at the tens of millions at a time, it's clear that they want most of the present US people decimated.


- 3 years ago  

YEP more FF bullshit coming up soon


- 3 years ago  

@Jose - in a climate of unprecedented firearms sales and ammunition shortages. The Japanese refused to consider an assault on the US mainland because they knew there "is a gun behind every blade of grass" in the US. Our servicemen and women know the same. They'll not turn on us.


- 3 years ago  

The video proceeds in 3-second bursts between 20-second pauses; sections of audio with static picture proceed normally. Bitchute is often similar, no problem with YouTube.

My Brighteon Channel

- 3 years ago  

Joe Biden Is going after "assault" weapons. Things are going to get so bad that these tyrannical fools will run the Constitution & bill of rights through a shredder. Australia is their model. 🤔


- 3 years ago  

Regarding the Las Vegas shooting I looked into it and found lots of irregularities. A fishy narrative.


- 3 years ago  

I hope Sandy Hook wasn't staged just knowing that you would investigate so they could make you out as a conspiracy theorist. Putting 13 billion annual research dollars at risk could motivate some pretty horrendous actions.

tom barron

- 3 years ago  

Thanks, have you seen the clip of the parent coming out of the mortuary (I think), he's laughing and joking and then pulls a distraught face to go on camera. I haven't been able to find it recently. Thanks again I appreciate what you do.


- 3 years ago  

The rifle at 4:45 is an AK variant and not an AR


- 3 years ago  

"Adam Lanza" made another brief appearance in the Las Vegas shooting hoax. He stood calmly in the crowd of obviously scared people. The camera kept him in focus for a few moments, then he decided to make a spectacular gun draw with a proper squat and holstered the pistol away. It was definitely the same guy.

Low Voltage

- 3 years ago  

"Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle. The real extent of this state of misinformation is known only to those who are in situations to confront facts within their knowledge with the lies of the day. . . . I will add, that the man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them; inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods & errors." (June 11, 1807) Thomas Jefferson


- 3 years ago  

No wiser man ever called our Whitehouse home.


- 3 years ago  

A friend showed me some helicopter footage behind the school that day and there were 2 men in cammo with long guns running into the woods.


- 3 years ago  

Keep the truth coming. It is getting out. Thank you for your honesty.!


- 3 years ago  

I would love to watch this video without it pausing every two seconds but Tony Heller picked the worst possible non-YouTube platform to upload it to so instead I'll just not view your content. There's literally no reason to use NewTube. They have no advantage over any competitor. They don't work. Please stop using them.


- 3 years ago  

I have watched this video without any issue, no buffering


- 3 years ago  



- 3 years ago  

sounds like it's on your end. newtube doesn't have video quality settings so your computer/internet cant handle it. or possibly your isp is intentionally throttling newtube.


- 3 years ago  

I had no issues viewing the video. The quality was on par with youtube


- 3 years ago  

No problems either, it's your end.


- 3 years ago  

I hear your pain. Usually, I get clear unfettered reproduction of the content. Sometimes, I get stuttering, frustrating, jittery content. Please be patient and realize there are forces at work to slow your access to alternate truths.


- 3 years ago  

That "rifle" they claim was found at the crime, is an AK styled shotgun. While ok for home defense it sucks for anything else. Unless you just want to put holes in paper. The sights don't line up with the top of the barrel.


- 3 years ago  

One of the things that has caught my attention is that during the Trump administration, how many mass shooting have there been? What was the motive behind the Sandy Hook shootings? What was the motive behind the Aurora shootings? Or the bomb that blew up a federal building in Oklahoma? There simply can not be no reason. You know what an alcoholic is driven by? The next drink. What do you think I think happened in Oklahoma? I don't think the official story is right.


- 3 years ago  

What are you suggesting Tony? That maybe powerful, politically connected people may have manipulated a disturbed young man to murder 20 innocent elementary children so Democrats could reduce the ability of US citizens to protect themselves against a government that might turn against them? Don't answer that question. Lets just say that conspiracy theories evolve into actual conspiracies' when those conspiring continue to do it!


- 3 years ago  

You the best


- 3 years ago  

This is not the only shooting incident that has questions, the Las Vegas shooting could NOT have been accomplished by one 65 year old man, AR15's, and bump stocks. I have used a bump stock, it is a toy that CANNOT be used for any type of accurate shooting. If you look at the distance to the concert scene you will see that the barrel movement from side to side and top to bottom would be about 1 inch total movement each direction. This would have been possible though very difficult to do with a mounted machine gun and a trained operator and a ammo feed man. I shot at a round target with the equipment used by the so-called shooter, a distance of 150 feet, a 3 foot diameter target which I hit with 2 rounds out of 30. Try pointing a stick at anything while simultaneously pulling one end into you AND pushing the other end away from you ALL while someone is hitting that stick 5 to 10 times a second with another stick. If you cannot see how ridiculous that is from just thinking about it, you will probably think that CO2 is a pollutant, and that the most popular candidate in the US had an inauguration page on you tube with 4,000 likes and 30,000 dislikes.

Glenn Howden

- 3 years ago  

If freedom isn't free then there is no such thing as freedom.

Layman Talks

- 3 years ago  

For many the line of truth Vs. reality is foggy at best. Unfortunately that event like many others, was another sleeper Psyop to strike fear into the heart of America for obvious reasons. For them, the means justify the ends, and it is disgustingly heart breaking...


- 3 years ago  

How many people of your former green pride employer ride bicycles to work? I'll bet most drove a gas guzzling suv.


- 3 years ago  

Why is the buffering on here so bad, is it the ISP playing games?


- 3 years ago  

Is this the same Michael Mann who invented Mann made global warming? It must be if Biden hired him.


- 3 years ago  

Yep, the same clown. The guy who lost a lawsuit to Dr. Tim Ball and was ordered to pay legal fees which he still has not done.

Brendan Ward

- 3 years ago  

The parents of the kids don't need any information. They were all involved in this psyop from the very beginning.


- 3 years ago  

Tony's smart. Why is he trying to make sense of a psyop?


- 3 years ago  

As long as everyone is staying dark, it is only a fool who bets against Special Ops on their home turf. The Pentagon telling Uncle Joey to stay the hell out seems credible given: - Biden request for all information on F-35 sale to Saudia Arabia - REFUSED. - Biden complaining about not being able to find vaccine. - Let's see, who was distributing the vaccine? Oh DoD aka Pentagon. - The story about troops sleeping in a parking garage underscores they have not left DC yet. Why? - Biden flew into DC on a private plane - not granted access to government aircraft. - more troops being ordered for DC deployment - DjT has gone dark in an unknown location The military loyal to their oath to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution will keep trying to install a government that is loyal to the Constitution. Viva La Revolution.


- 3 years ago  

The truth can be very inciteful. The price to tell it or believe it may, indeed, be high. But the price for accepting, promoting or manufacturing lies is even higher. That cost will become apparent to many but it will be too late and as Scripture says they will wish for mountains to fall on them. I wouldn't trade places with Bill Gates. He has condemned his soul. But he has gained the world. Frankly, he can have it as far as I am concerned. Very dark days ahead.

Well, I'm already completely stunned by the incessant lying by politicians and MSM, but to accept that an employee can be fired for publicly voicing skepticism on anything is impossible for me! Yet I understand that you anticipated exactly that – and then was blacklisted to boot? Is there no way to make such companies pay restitution for unlawful firing? They pay us for the work we do. That doesn't mean they've bought our body or soul...


- 3 years ago  

Can't tell much about that "found" rifle but it is not a Bushmaster. It is a tricked out Kalashnikov of some flavor. Like maybe the kind of rifle a SWAT team member would carry and toss when needed.

Jamie O'Connor

- 3 years ago  

I have been following you for about two years now. Always interesting and informative.


- 3 years ago  

Seems quite coherent and rational to this man.


- 3 years ago  

I am sorry that we did not meet in CT. I lived near Danbury and Sandy Hook then. As missed opportunity, indeed.