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Tony HellerPLUS



Lion of Judah - The House Oversight Committee has been in talks with three different Hunter Biden whistleblowers. Bidens DOJ has been busy in trying to bury one of them. His name is @GalLuft. #BidenCrimeFamilyExposed #HunterBiden

  - 3:38

Originally uploaded to by Lion of Judah The House Oversight Committee has been in talks with three different Hunter Biden whistleblowers. Bidens DOJ has been busy in trying to bury one of them. His name is @GalLuft. #BidenCrimeFamilyExposed #HunterBiden






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March 14th 2023  

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- a year ago  

The American economic malaise is societal. Since when I went to grade school up to high school into college we were taught and told don’t be that guy or gal. That guy or gal was, don’t be a ‘working stiff’. ————- Mike Rowe of ‘Dirty Jobs Guy’ fame talking to so many American workers in dirty jobs has very eloquently said just that, America doesn’t have a lack of jobs but a lack of workers who both have a willingness to get dirty and more importantly a will and skill gap to do these dirty jobs. Each American worker since my youth is looking for that side hustle or hustles that allows them to escape being a working stiff. —————. Today the malaise has reached the highest levels of our government when the Biden administration bails out 100% big, big DNC donors deposits not up to $250,000 required by FDIC insured accounts but every dollar, even California Governor Newsom and his wife, who have their 3 wineries who were banking at Stupid Valley Bank (SVB). Janet and Joe literally have backed up every depositor at SVB which until these side hustlers came to office was illegal, no more, it’s all a Ponzi scam side hustle, right up to the US President of America. There is zero accountability anymore. —————- I’m mad as hell and not going to take it anymore! ————— China, South Korea and Japan are all the kings and queens of State Owned Enterprises (SOE), who’s citizens can be treated as forced labor, today build 94% of all ship building for the world’s commercial shipping fleets. These 3 manufacturing SOE giants build nearly all commercial ships for trade worldwide and America other than nuclear subs and US Navy high tech naval ships, can’t compete to build even one commercial shipping vessel. America relies on China, South Korea or Japan to build even our merchant marine US Fleet supplying our worldwide US Navy forces. ————— So our DNC and RNC or what I call, the DC lobotomized every 4 to 8 years uniparty, work their side hustles to get re-elected every 4 to 8 years, voting for any and all war to feed the US Military Industrial Complex, who elect both parties, so when either party get in power ‘Lobotomize’ the other party. America’s political leadership have become the biggest side hustlers in the West, where nothing is illegal and the more evil and despicable you can be, the better the side hustle.


- a year ago  

It's not the lack of jobs, it's the unwillingness of corporations to make slightly lower profits at the expense of paying domestic workers enough to want to take the jobs. Of course the financial class has pushed the mindset that blue collar jobs are to be looked down upon, because they want to make themselves out to be most important members of society instead of the leeches that they are. ------ The USA absolutely has forced labor, the people are just conned into the illusion of free choice. You either get exploited working for someone else or a corporation, or you have the free choice to lose access to healthcare, to be homeless, lose your kids/not be able to start a family, and no longer be able to eat food. If you do happen to start an enterprise creating something that is actually valuable, government regulations, taxation, and banks/landlords, take most of your profits anyway. --------- Maybe so many people don't have "malaise" about working, but are awake to the fact that we're all slaves to the corporate state & don't want to play their game anymore.


- a year ago  

Show me, don't tell me