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Tony HellerPLUS



Climate Reprieve For The UK

  - 8:48

Climate experts announced the end of snow in the UK in the year 2000. But now they say it won't happen until the year 2100.






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Uploaded 4 years ago  

December 7th 2020  

File Size: 113 MB

Category: Politics



- 3 years ago  

Way back in my childhood days we even got some schooldays cancelled because of heatwaves. The children almost melted. ๐Ÿ˜›


- 3 years ago  

How long do we have to put up with charlatans predicting climate crisis every day. We also have the " slow the spread of covid" that way the pandemic can be stretched out for years.


- 3 years ago


- 3 years ago  

Everything the left says is a lie, they are traitors.


- 3 years ago  

Seems like my internet speed is throttled on newtube.


- 3 years ago  

Seems like my internet speed is throttled on newtube.


- 3 years ago  

Your stories of actual weather and actual climate never cease to impress me, Tony.


- 3 years ago  

Thanks Tony. It seems that you experience reality much like I do. Now and then I describe to people how I made a mistaken assumption ... and how I eventually realized my mistake. Pretty much everyone is surprised to hear these stories, because it seems, they have been taught to pretend they have always been 100% right about everything (by repeating what their favorite tyrant experts said they should repeat). For those of us who consider life a learning experience and not a "I know everything because I repeat what self-proclaimed experts pretend they know" experience, making a mistake now and then (especially based on our own real observations) is part of life and part of the process of discover and learning. I think it is good to tell these kinds of stories. Maybe someday at least a few others will learn that being honest is what matters, not pretending we're always right (especially when the quantity of our own observations are still modest).

Fedmahn Kassad

- 3 years ago  

That was an excellent vid. Thanks for sharing a bit of your personal journey to where you stand now.


- 3 years ago  

Tony now that it looks like Biden will be taking over from Trump with Kerry as his Climate Tsar what chance do we have?


- 3 years ago  

Spot on again Tony. Why can't the dumbed down main stream media find the same facts about the cyclical Climate. Oh that's right they are not allowed or there goes their job


- 3 years ago  

Great to finally catch-up with you Tony H here on NewTube, leaving the totalitarian BigTech dinos to their neo-Marxist corporatist globalist navel gazing delusions. UK passed law to go net zero emissions by 2030. Political and social division, economic destitution, depopulation, deindustrialisation, despair, and ballooning excess deaths await, the globalists wet dream.


- 3 years ago  

University of East Anglia were the frauds who came up with the (in)famous global warming hockey stick graph and when challenged to show the raw data so other scientists to verify the results refused to do so.

Great video! Keep 'em coming. Love from Texas.


- 3 years ago  

I doubt that "the scientists" even have the ability to measure the Earth's average temperature to within a tenth of a degree in the first place. Anyone?


- 3 years ago  

Agree absolutely. Climate statistics should be questioned relentlessly.


- 3 years ago  

Major European cities sunk beneath rising seas by 2020! โ€“ The Grauniad.


- 3 years ago  

Thank you Tony. I followed you here. With you bro'.


- 3 years ago  

Tony is on the money hence he is banned everywhere , cant let the truth out can we. Write to your MPs ( Senators ) and ask them where they get the data for their global warming views from and then debunk it like Tony does.


- 3 years ago  

This was interesting


- 3 years ago  

Thank God for Newtube.App. I'm an old dude and was afraid I had seen the end of Free Speech. Been following Tony Heller for a few years now and am happy to see him in his new home. Thank you New Tube.


- 3 years ago  

Wow Tony, you have had such a successful life! Good for you and glad to have you on the climate realist side! Your videos and others by climate realist have help convince my 78 year old ex engineer father about the truths of global warming. That has helped him come to other "realization's" about the lies we are told daily! Much gratitude! You talked about you going to school in NC in 1969 and 1970 and remembering a good snow before Christmas in 1970. I was born in 1969 in GA but I remember and huge snow we had in central GA in February of 1973. We received 16 inches of snow with parts of SC getting up to 24 inches of snow. The meteorologist have identified a trend that causes this to happen in the SE US several times a century. My great grandmother remembered an big snow in the 1880's. My grandfather remembered 2 big snows, one in the 1910's and the one in 1973. Here are a few articles about this phenomena.


- 3 years ago  

OOPS! I see that was Oxford England where you stayed in 1969,1970!


- 3 years ago  

Here is a detailed paper about this phenomenon that was compiled in 1978. This is from the waybackmachine and this message from their website tells it all..... "Theyโ€™re trying to change historyโ€”donโ€™t let them. In the chaotic atmosphere of 2020, the Wayback Machine is a crucial resource in the fight against disinformation, and now more than ever we need your help." Link to analysis


- 3 years ago  

Making predictions 10 or 20 years into the future has exposed the predictors. Making predictions 100 years into the future ensures they cannot be held responsible as they will not be alive to be exposed. Complete exoneration.


- 3 years ago  

The prefered new dates for predictions of doom are 2030 and 2100.

Pro Video

- 3 years ago  

I followed you here from YouTube Tony. Looking forward to watching your informative and often humorous clips without fearing the big tech (small minded) control efforts. Bravo.


- 3 years ago  

Children in Thailand . . . don't know what snow is.


- 3 years ago  

Thanks Tony. I am interested in the second part of the story. When did you meet Professor Bill Gray, and what impact did that have have on you? For me, Bill Gray was my intellectual savior. - I was a working meteorologist in Florida in 1988 when Jim Hansen spoke before Congress and scared the world about global warming. For one year I was a climate alarmist myself, but as I read the science of global warming in the journals (this was before widespread internet), I became a crisis skeptic. The science behind Hansen's presentation in 1988 was awful! As I became more and more skeptical, the world was going crazy about global warming! I thought I had to be wrong. Story after story spoke about 'scientists' becoming increasingly concerned about the looming crisis, while I continued to find more and more evidence that the science was crap! Then I attended a National Hurricane Conference in the early 1990s and Prof. Gray gave his annual prediction of Atlantic Hurricane activity. He did that part quickly and suddenly changed the subject to a brilliant debunking of global warming science, which included all of my concerns and added several more that I did not think of! I was ecstatic to find out I was not alone! I was not crazy! I looked around at the several hundred conference attendees and most were smiling, nodding and laughing at Prof. Gray's presentation. Not only was I not alone, it appeared I was in the majority! - That was about 28 years ago and I have spent that time studying the corruption of science and the gullibility of humanity. I have learned about the power of paradigms, persuasion, money and power, and the decline of rationality and logic (post-modernism). I have come to understand how Hitler and the Communists came to power, why the Tutsis just picked up machetes one day and started slaughtering the Hutus in Rwanda. And I understand how COVID-19, this past summer's riots and the massive growth of the BLM movement are connected with all of the above; from climate change to the global reset and the stealing of the US election. - It turns out that weather and humanity have a lot in common. In the apparent chaos of both, there is rhythm and predictability. Unfortunately, the forecast is for more storms, but humanities storms will be far more severe and deadly.


- 3 years ago  

This is a familiar story. Tony frequently cites "The Madness of Crowds" towhit: ย "Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly,ย oneย byย one." โ€• Charles MacKay The existence of viral disease and the fact that weather (of which climate is an expression of aggregate tendency over time) actually does change is not proof of the "theories" built up on specious observation nor the delusional policy response. It's good to know that not everyone suffers from lack of reason and that there are people who are keeping each other honest in the search for truth of the world.


- 3 years ago  

Hmm, Guardian is now just a government toe rag... Express, just wants dosh, MSM yet another lie. Everyone worried about tomorrow, not concerned about the corruptions today.


- 3 years ago  

Just made the switch from YouTube. Funny how those 7 or 8 dislikes from the useful idiots have disappeared. Thanks for continuing to bring the truth Tony.


- 3 years ago  

Climate prophets should be held to the same standard of accuracy as Old Testament prophets, stoning if their prophecy doesnโ€™t come true. At least this would cause them to push out their prophetic timeline to a date beyond their natural life expectancy and then they wouldnโ€™t have to keep โ€œadjustingโ€ them to compensate for reality.


- 3 years ago  

i've been following tony for a long time and knew alarmists have been lying long before i found his refreshing and educational postings. i watch all of them and give a like to them all because i don't want him to quit. wish he did more.


- 4 years ago  

I have a background as a geologist ( in Australia), learned about climate change in the 1970s, and have never bought into the demonizing carbon dioxide scam. Sadly, my real friends are fewer, but truth is truth. Have been watching you, Tony, on Youtube for many years now and am glad you have a new platform. Keep it up.


- 4 years ago  

Remember the Millennium Bug? That was the world's biggest scam which allowed a few companies to make a fortune based on a plainly ridiculous concept. Same as climate change and covid pandemic.


- 4 years ago  

Mr. Heller, ...please consider adding your content to


- 4 years ago  

I likewise was a true climate alarmist 30 years ago, so I know all their arguments, I used them myself - and it was all wrong! Now I am a 100 % โ€œclimate denierโ€!


- 4 years ago  

Tony you are a national treasure.


- 4 years ago  

I remember when Tim Ball told this to a audience, released on youtube approximately 5 years ago: "If you can't forecast the weather 2, 3, 4 days from now, how can you possible tell me what it's gonna be like in 40 and 50 years from now? You can't!" "Tim Ball - The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science"


- 4 years ago  

well they were right about the widespread rioting, not the cause of it, but that it would be happening.


- 4 years ago  


Audio Workshop

- 4 years ago  

thanks for the story I've often wondered how you got into all this... keep up the great work Tony!


- 4 years ago  

Great bit of history Tony. Didnโ€™t know that you were one of โ€œthemโ€ before. Glad your conversion therapy was successful. You are desperately needed.


- 4 years ago  

Joe N. Thanks for your cup of sanity amidst a of sea of lunacy


- 4 years ago  

You are making a difference Tony. Thanks for the info.


- 4 years ago  

Great history, Tony! Thanks! And , keep it up! We need you!


- 4 years ago  

Thank you and keep up the good work

Otway Ranges Victoria

- 4 years ago  

in 15 to 20 years time all the people at school who have been lied too about this climate crisis scam will switch to our side and see what a lie this is


- 4 years ago  

Wow I am surprised to hear that you are actually a born again climate denier. Has a geoscientist I never bought into the climite alarmist hype, ever. So welcome to the club even though you're a newbie.


- 4 years ago  

Another great video - can you do a video inspired by your background? I couldn't help but to be VERY Interested in your opinion on the Apple M1 and what the Intel/AMD response may be?

hang the clown

- 4 years ago  

oh, your audio is just as quiet here...

Glenn Howden

- 4 years ago  

Just because Main Stream Media scientist have been wrong in their predictions about climate 100% of the time doesn't mean they won't be right sometime. Moving the doom date to 2100 is a good strategy seeings how the predictors will be dead and won't be held accountable for their past failures.


- 4 years ago  

I signed up to newtube just to follow Tony. I hope to find more truth seekers here.


- 4 years ago  

Enjoyed your mini-biography ! -ron Post Script: Look forward to more of the same content


- 4 years ago  

Tony is on the money hence he is banned everywhere , cant let the truth out can we. Write to your MPs ( Senators ) and ask them where they get the data for their global warming views from and then debunk it like Tony does.


- 4 years ago  

No one is more thankful than I am that you looked at the data yourself. That's the best!! ... Thank You Tony!!!


- 4 years ago  

Great video Tony.


- 4 years ago  

We still can't accurately predict the weather forcast in the present, but we are supposed to believe that snow will stop 80 years from now? ooooooooook ๐Ÿ‘Œ


- 4 years ago  

Had no idea you were a AGW believer in the past. Nothing makes a zealot like someone who wakes up to the lies they are being fed and realizes they were being taken for a ride. Congrats!


- 4 years ago  

same goes for me...growing up in fucking Europe, one is raised a climate change/ global warming wouldn't even dare to question the bullshit...migrating to Canada put the first holes into that fucking agenda/ doctrine/ propaganda BS. Now, I just shake my head at these fucking lunatics and once you talk to them and they can't answer your arguments, they go "LOL" and block you. Pathetic and disgusting and that sums up the left perfectly


- 4 years ago  

Does make you wonder why people still believe this crap.

Glenn Howden

- 4 years ago  

They don't believe strongly enough to change their consumption habits, but then like covid, others are suppose to sacrifice so they don't have traffic jams in LA.


- 4 years ago  

If they push the timeline out beyond our lifetimes, they won't be proved wrong while we're alive.


- 4 years ago  

I need a update on TOTO how is he doings?


- 4 years ago  

Once again, Tony can't tell the difference between weather and climate.


- 4 years ago  

I suspect he has way more of a clue than you. FYI, if you average out the temps over the last 150 years, there has been no warming. There have been warm spikes and cold spikes. Also, 150 years would be Climate, just in case you are still confused.


- 4 years ago  

Did you really make a NewTube account just to troll tony? How cute! BTW, we all know that the kids that you brainwash with your "climate science" are the ones who can't tell the difference between weather and climate, certainly not Tony, & certainly not us! Have you even LOOKED at his research? Doubtful.


- 4 years ago  

@mev once again, you show yourself to be a complete about you join the sane people and start using your brain?


- 4 years ago  

I can tell the difference. I can also tell the difference in a drug addled idiot from one that has done research. All you can do is throw cliches, no actual refutation. Hansen should have been thrown in jail, stripped of his phD for fraud concerning climate change and his bogus thesis. Pure Bull Shit. Don't believe me? Tell me, How many ppm of co2 does it take to raise the temp 1 C? Surely we should know by now. In 1960 it was 10% higher, 1990 25% higher, 2001 when all this hand wringing got started 30%, today nearly 50%. Climate Change isn't real science, it's mysticism. They start off in the 1960's with temps 0.6 C cooler than it should have been without OMG 10% higher co2 levels! And after 60 years the total increase is 1. C?? Does that account for the failed TSI index as well? It is not 1370 w/m^2. Nor has it been since at least 1988. What are you basing your world effective temp on? Hopiumn?


- 4 years ago  

@the_Thurman123 Since, I think you are claiming to not be a drug addled idiot, but in fact think you are someone who has done research lets try this. There is a reason that researches do not say things like a certain ppm increase in CO2 causes an X increase in temperature. Try reading actual research on climate sensitivity in relationship to a doubling of CO2 and its effects on temperature. If you believe/feel that the current research is incorrect, please point me to real research papers that refute the predictions. Not opinions or blog and definitely not Tony's videos.


- 4 years ago  

@trevorgrindz Sorry, Tony does this consistently. I could do the opposite as him and be just as wrong. We had temperatures mid November in the low sixties in New Hampshire. Therefore global warming is real.


- 4 years ago  

@Mordalo OK that is a new one. Global temps? USA? Maybe since you like Tony so much, it is temperatures in a single state. Please point me to that graph that shows that the average temperatures over the last 150 year show no warming. Hopefully it is not like many of Tony's graphs that don't have axis labels and don't say where they came from!


- 4 years ago  

I'm sitting in the Garnock valley in Ayrshire, Scotland (NaNa NaNaNA) and I can confirm it's fucking freezing but I haven't seen any snow(Yet)


- 4 years ago  

Stirling here and we have lots of snow on the hills already


- 4 years ago  



- 4 years ago  

I remember the 2003 snowfall - bringing the M11 motorway to as complete standstill. The main story was all about the incompetence of the authorities, including the traffic police who blocked many miles of the motorway leaving people stranded inside their cars all night.


- 4 years ago  

Hello Tony! Sorry you had to come here to avoid censorship; especially when you were so close to 100,000 Subs on YouTube. Keep up the great work, no matter where you are!


- 4 years ago  

Hi Tony, Please disregard my last post. I reloaded the page and got the video to play through properly. Guess it was just a glitch. Seems to be plenty of them these days.


- 4 years ago  

By the way, Tony Heller, the name is not windmill. It is called a bird blender!


- 4 years ago  

Hi Tony. The video only plays to the 1:27 mark and skips to the end. Not sure why. Tried playing it several times with the same result.


- 4 years ago  

bravo for being honest. Gore's images of the poor old polar bear in the ocean got to me too. whatta fraud he is.


- 4 years ago  

Well, today in Tucson, it's 75 or so. Dress accordingly. If you shop, do not wear a mask. I don't and have not gotten any flak from Costco, WalMart or Fry's. The governor has lost what little respect he had. I noticed how none of the leaders in either political party act as if there is anything to be afraid of. The mayor here ordered a curfew. She is being recalled - successfully, I hope.

Glenn Howden

- 4 years ago  

I wonder what is going to happen to the authoritarians after the brief period in the spotlight is over.... They certainly aren't going to admit they were wrong..... Like Tony, I thought global warming was real, but while doing research to debunk the skeptics I became a skeptic.


- 4 years ago  

Your old platform, LooTube, is toast! Thank you for this new channel, Tony Heller. ๐Ÿ˜Š


- 4 years ago  

Why are you not posting the entire video on the NEWTUBE app?


- 4 years ago  

that really cheared me up thanks for the blast from the past ,from the uk


- 4 years ago  

I just want these idiots to start telling the truth. Now there's a thing from the past which has sadly become such a rarity it truly is an exciting event whenever it's heard. Thankfully, Tony's bits of wisdom and insight can always be relied upon to provide us with a level of excitement that's woefully lacking among the lying garbage that's being reported as fact nowadays.

Doctor Bacon

- 4 years ago  

As a teenager I bought into the Global Warming Alarmism then I started looking deeper into it and read a book by Dixy Lee Ray and realized there was a whole other side to things and how many lies I was told by the media....Changed me forever and how I look at the media and how I analyze everything now.

Channel X

- 4 years ago  

I did the same thing, had no idea how deep the lies run.


- 4 years ago  

I was totally bought in too. Wrote a story about how engineering could be used to solve the problem. Along the way I did the science research, and the whole thing turned out to be a scam. Be glad you didn't type (and edit) 100k words to get to the truth.


- 4 years ago  

Interesting personal development


- 4 years ago  

Tired of getting lied to by climate change They say thereโ€™s no voter fraud donโ€™t take much to see that

Glenn Howden

- 4 years ago  

Reelboss ---- It's worse than that. Most Dems are OK with voter fraud if it helps their candidates win.


- 4 years ago  

I remember the M11 fiasco, luckily I avoided it by going home earlier.

Clive Horridge

- 4 years ago  

Itโ€™s all bs, the climate fluctuates, it always has and it always will. End of discussion.


- 4 years ago  

I like it here Tony, thanx. Almost scary to get the truth untouched!


- 4 years ago  

Newtube is just terrible


- 4 years ago  

In what way ?

Doctor Bacon

- 4 years ago  

Why? Seems to work just fine.


- 4 years ago  

Look at what he calls himself, aka Jerkoff. Some of those will come hete too


- 4 years ago  

Another good one, Tony. Keep em coming!