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Tony HellerPLUS



Benny Johnson - BIDEN: “We're not gonna in— we're not gonna increase the debt that every president has done for the last six million years here, never having done anything but that.”

  - 0:10

Originally uploaded to by Benny Johnson BIDEN: “We're not gonna in— we're not gonna increase the debt that every president has done for the last six million years here, never having done anything but that.”






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Uploaded a year ago  

May 5th 2023  

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- a year ago  

BRIC BY BRIC (BBB) BONGO BIDEN (who wants to end all fossil fuels use and production) has given away over 100+ BILLIONS into Ukraine, in less than 3 years. Biden's administration is arming a nation that was delineated in the 1960’s when Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union by Nikita Khrushchev, born in 1894 and used his shoe at the UN to get everyone’s attention. Joe Biden is 80 years old and born in 1942, is a fossil himself. This Biden presidency and this utterly contrived, foolish beyond foolish, Ukraine proxy war, is killing and maiming 100,000’s of mostly Ukrainians and probably near 100,000 Russians. Rather than weaken a old WW2 relic of the former Soviet Union, BBB crazy as a loon Prez Biden, has woke up the sleeping Bear, and Russia is now united against Ukraine, Poland, Hungary and all of NATO in this proxy war and has become stronger not weaker. Russia has amassed near a million troops on their newly formed Russian territory the Donbas and Belarus (White Russia). I predict Ukraine will be our Pentagon’s next Af-Forget-It-Stan debacle, unless this moron dementia suffering BBB loon of a Prez gets us into WW3. Anything is possible with this Prez!!! 🤢😵‍💫😳


- a year ago  

Six million years? So the United States has had a president increase debt since the dawn of man? It's hard to tell if Biden is REALLY STUPID or just DEMENTED. I'm inclined to say BOTH.


- a year ago  

Always has been a retard


- a year ago  

Boy, he's a piece of chit ! And we all know it too.


- a year ago  

Lol, maybe you shouldn't have spent a trillion on the Covid money grab, and a few billion on your corrupt UK friend then. This piece of shit wants to US to default so he can push all Americans into their sicko electronic currency!