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fallcabal The Sequel to The Fall of The Cabal - Part 23

  - 25:43

fallcabal The Sequel to The Fall of The Cabal - Part 23 FallCabal THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - PART 23 Part 23: Covid-19: Part 6 of multiple episodes about the biggest medical scam of all times. Health Care Worker Whistleblowers about Money & Murder in Hospitals... By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter Music: Whitesand, Ashamaluev, Alexander Nakar…






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May 19th 2022  

File Size: 157 MB

Category: News



- a year ago  

This is shocking, these governments and media need shooting?


- 2 years ago  

It's time for you, nurses to kill your evil doctors for there evil work. Only you know who deserves to be put to death . Your inocent patients or those pushing profit from evil. If I were you, nurse, I would poison those murdering bastards in the name of real justice. That's what I'd do,


- 2 years ago  

We are being systematically iliminated by the anunauki slaves that have taken over this planet. We must kill them and have the evidence to warrant it in hand when the anunauki return. If both are not accomplished they will erase every unatural thing they have done on earth to save there lives from there evil works on earth. It's that simple as complex as it is it is the Jews that are the secret anunauki slaves that must be captured or killed before escaping to there moonbase condominiums. Once they vacate earth it's over with, there will be no stopping them from getting away with the evil they continue to perpetuate on earth to be like gods of this world. We must stop them this time.


- 2 years ago  

We must capture or kill all anunauki slave Jews or they will destroy everything unatural on earth to save there own lives.


- 2 years ago  

The Hebrew black species on Earth are demon possessed anunauki slaves. They were not supposed to use there knowledge and technology this way. They were not supposed to molest man's white woman for pleasure. They were not supposed to create the human race of NEGROIDS from this action of sin. They were not supposed to encourage man to do evil things in exchange for things man desired to have from them. They were not supposed to make themselves kings like there rulers or become rulers of this world. They were not supposed to hide there true identity in a man's soul. They were supposed to harvest gold, harm nothing green and not intermingle themselves with man in any way as to influence his naturalization. They broke all the rules, and have ruled earth and man. INSLAVED all to there system of Fiat economics to harvest real gold, all of which will go to storage under the vaticans underworld of treasures collected for the rulers to pick up when they return with nibiru. The time has come to erase everything and every human they have created, or be destroyed by there anunauki rulers for there evil works while on earth. They will go home for 1000 years of laborless rest. When there brought back there better not be a single liveing HUman to be seen or the slaves will be killed for there sins past. Mankind must wake up enough to capture and hold prisoners these white skinned negro ANNUNAUKi slaves until there rulers arrive for the gold. It is the only way any HUman will survive on earth. The anunauki slaves can be allowed to escape to there moonbase conddominiums. If they do, they will destroy everything on Earth that is not natural and it will be like nothing wrong ever happened by the time there rulers arrive in the 21st century. This is the real truth of your future, you act or else you will inherit the earth forever.


- 2 years ago


- 2 years ago  

We must kill all anunauki slave Jews or they will destroy this world to save there own lives.