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Benjamin Netanyahu 1982 - Terrorism Is Attacking The Zionist Imperialist Conspiracy

  - 2:20

Benjamin Netanyahu 1982 - Terrorism Is Attacking The Zionist Imperialist Conspiracy FreeThinker Fitness Benjamin Netanyahu - Terrorism Is Attacking The Zionist Imperialist Conspiracy






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Uploaded half a year ago  

October 21st 2023  

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Category: News

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- half a year ago  

The rotting/rotten Cult of Islam... even the most distasteful religion can reveal truths about the human where did islam get its inspiration??.... Here we go:.... "It is Saturday, so massacre the jews; on Sunday, massacre the Christians "..... -- Writing on flag in Palistinian Infitada, Atlas Shrugs, 1 April 2013.... SLAVERY ORDAINED by the Koran 33:50..... The Reliance of the Traveller on Slavery (k32.0) . ...The value of a slave is equivalent to about 5 liters of grain. (o20.2) Male slaves must be eunuchs to work inside the household. [ no NEGROIODS in ARAB LANDS (slaves ok) only in JEW USA can they reproduce to destroy it through multiculturalism that never works in the long run, unless one is a conqueror.].... An Arab woman MAY NOT MARRY a non-arab ( NEGROIOD) because ARABS are superior (m4.2(1)).... The Racist doctrine of islam, a warning, an awakening to all humanity, WAKE UP CHRISTIANS!.... (The Palestinian order of islam ) written in the Quran:... [ so it must be true???]..... 1. Jews love to listen to lies. (5:41)... 2. Jews dispute and quarrel (2:247).... 3. Jews hide the truth and mislead people. ( 3:78).... 4. Jews wish evil for people and try to mislead them. ( 2:109).... 5. Jews feel pain when others are happy or fortunate. ( 3:120).... 6. Jews kill the phrophets. ( 2:116)... 7. Jews are merciless and heartless (2:174).... 8. Jews never keep their word. ( 2:100).... 9. Jews are unrestrained in committing sin. (5:79)... 10. Jews are cowardly (59:13-14)... 11. Jews are miserly (4:53).... 12. Jews were transformed into apes and pigs for breaking the sabbath ( 2:63-65; 5:59-60; 7:166).... The Jews and Islam are brothers... Most important to remember... Note: 1-12 can be said of the JEWS. As they say...It's all the same, Man is a superpredator.