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Profound Sounds From The Hip Hop Underground ((432))

  - 1:42:37

Welcome to the underground labyrinth of sound where independent artists are the ones living hardest... These subterranean cats and their outlooks on life is something we can all draw inspiration from and be grateful for.. a big shout out to all the do-it-yourselfers making something from nothing.. to those who do most, if not every aspect of their music from writing their own lyrics, to making beats, recording, producing, album cover art- even packaging their own tapes and CD's and slanging them on the streets.. that's my raw love for this art form since meeting some legends on the streets of Berkeley, Oakland, San Francisco and even San Diego (much respect to the Access Hip Hop Store in SD who've had an extensive growing collection of underground hip hop for well over a decade- do i dare say they have more underground than Amoeba??).. guess those were also kinda the days before the digital era.. Another great place to check out and dig thru a lot of dope hip hop can be found here: Underground hip hop has been my favorite "genre" for over half my life.. my head's been so deep in the subterranean music scene that it's rare for me to resurface, which has lead to an ignorance of commercial music- i admit.. i even learned the hard way trying to dj in pAris a few years ago for a quick minute.. I don't really know these new artists and rappers on the radio and it amazes people when they hear that from me.. c'est la vie.. Haha.. there's 1000's of artists people sleep on in any genre, but hopefully people know at least about the local artists in their area.. From growing up in the Bay Area, it was only natural that i came to love the music around my home town which boasts more than many can shake a stick at.. been living in france since 2010 and i've been diggn' a lot of the french hip hop over here- whether mainstream or underground, although the golden era of hip hop is kinda similar to that time-frame in the usa..






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

September 9th 2021  

File Size: 248 MB

Category: Music

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