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What is The Great Work? Round Table Inquiry & Answers with The One Great Work Warriors

  - 1:10:55

Our latest recorded session as of September 26th, 2023 Imagine you're so caught up on learning, creating, collaborating, etc, that it takes up the majority, if not all of your free time? That's pretty much how it's been for me since 2011.. It's not an obsession, but could be seen that way by definition, altho it's fueled by a divine motivational flame that can't really be extinguished (if one is truly activated to the point of no return to their former state of mind/ state of being).. I highly doubt many of you realize the enormous amount of time, focus , dedication and energy I've put into my projects and creations on this channel and others (outside bootube that limits the fuck outta my work). I usually tend to jump on the computer first thing in the morning, and if i'm not working a regular monetary job, i'll be on the computer or most of the day/evening until i go to bed.. such an exciting life, i know, but learning and creating takes a lot of time to cultivate, etc.. Some notes about this topic, which either didn't get mentioned or could've been elaborated on: The Magnum Opus: being the master of ceremony that is your breath, your soul the master builder of your inner temple with the pillars aligned/uplright The integration of information inner work shadow work inner alchemy turning lead into gold and keeping that shit polished creating content, building, influencing, way-showing Intro Credits (by order) Talib Kweli Joe Murray Outro: Brandon Spencer Got Natural Law? Some other videos related to this work The (Four) alchemical stages of the Great Work (Magnum Opus): Finding purpose in pursuing your Magnum Opus: Magnum Opus: The Great Work of Self Transformation. PEACE






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September 30th 2023  

File Size: 282 MB

Category: How To & Education

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