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Dragon Slayer Intel



There is a SEAL my brothers & sisters and a mark too !

2 Corinthians 6 New American Standard Bible (NASB) The Truth shall set you free from the Devil's schemes and his many traps, more over the truth is the starting place for the straight and narrow path that leads to life everlasting through Christ. It is essential to understand who Christ Jesus is ! He made the Earth, He is the Holy Spirit and the Son "Emmanuel" definition meaning "God with us". Therefore He is in fact God the most high. There is only ONE true God and you are either with Him, or still lost. There is no need to be lost forever, when all you have to do is call upon Jesus and talk with the Almighty. Speak with Him or pray I should say, however with reverent fear the most respect, even in repentance. He is thy maker the Great potter whom created the Earth and even the angels and mankind. There are rebellious foes whom choose to defy God, and many of these are already in Tartarus the deep abyss. The scripture referenced here is to help the yet blinded at some level, understand you are like a stone of the temple of the living God ! Be a good stone, or brick so to speak and wash away the mire, so that you may be saved, sealed like the great multitude. There is a sealing, a stamp so to speak that locks your soul unto Christ. I speak of the book of Acts chapter 2 verse 38. That is what all the Apostles taught and did to become Christian's. His sons born again, Forgiven and given a portion of God's Holy Spirit , sealed in Christ, and given clean white robes in the spirit. Understand after the Baptism, you will see things hidden, at least as much as you are ready for. That is all, may God open thine eyes. Scriptures for America Get baptized Acts 2:38 +Mark 16:16






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Uploaded a year ago  

August 18th 2023  

Category: How To & Education

1 Comment

Dragon Slayer Intel

- a year ago  

Being long winded i had to leave out other valuable links, normally included, see any of my other uploads to get the other link referrals..