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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 192 - Immortality!

  - 53:17

In this video i want to update what we now know to be true about the Covid 19 series of INJECTIONS because it IS a series, not just 1 injection. It has been 10 months since this evil Bio-Weapon INJECTION program was rolled out in the UK on the 7th of December 2020 by the W.H.O and the NHS. We have seen numerous attempts in “alternative” media by many individuals to understand the reason for a “mandatory” vaccine for a non existent virus. It makes NO SENSE! As time has moved on many chilling discoveries have been made about this INJECTION. We now know that the so called “vaccine” consists of numerous nefarious high tech agents. Many now understand the INJECTION has nothing to do with disease control but is an attempt to TRANSFORM mankind from the inside out into Bio-Synthetic humanoid creatures imbued with a form of IMMORTALITY. That’s what you’ll get IF the injection doesn’t kill or fatally injure you first. That has already happened to tens of millions of hapless victims worldwide. We know this because of the numbers reported to the VAERS style vaccine injury reporting systems in the USA, UK and other European countries. As of today more than 3.73 Billion people worldwide have been injected with this non vaccine. The program rolls on unabated with tens of millions being pressured into getting injected in every country. The Jesuit controlled media worldwide have suppressed the truth to such a degree that many people will, sadly, NOT hear the truth and be WARNED about this Mark Of The Beast DECEPTION being perpetrated against them. The range of conditions in the vaccine injured is breathtaking, including every kind of neurological malfunction and paralysis, organ failure, heart attacks, severe skin lesions and bruising, blindness, blood clotting and in many cases death. Learn more at: How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God!






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October 16th 2021  

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Category: How To & Education



- 3 years ago  

Marberg virus could be the best thing people to bring this home. Funny they have a vxx ready or almost ready.


- 3 years ago  

Bennett, They knew people would go to the country and so it seems they want these tiny places to be no escape. It really disturbs me that people from this town would not boycott the pub as that is plain un Australian. The mandate is not even law. How can people even obey it? Re-ignite democracy has a business directory that refuse to support this but they just joined with another party and I think they are controlled by these Jesuits anyway. They all are controlled by these satanists ultimately.


- 3 years ago  

An Australian police officer whom has left the force, based on his refusal to enforce bogus laws, revealed that the jab will be an ongoing part of the 'health' system going forward. He stated also that anyone who lapses in their jab schedule will automatically be once again considered as one of the 'un-jabbed.' For example, if you lapse for more than three months, you will be regarded as un-vaccinated altogether.

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Thanks for sharing this. I have no reason to doubt what you say. People will ultimately be INJECTED to death! That's what you would expect from satanists!


- 3 years ago  

In Victoria, Australia, the lockdown ends on the 21st of October. Our local restaurant, which was offering take-away during LD, is re-opening on the 22nd, only to the fully vaccinated. A small regional town with a pub, a small supermarket and fish and chip shop will most likely follow. We are very close to not being able to buy anything at all now.