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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 172 - The Hidden Plan!

  - 50:58

In this video i’m going to outline what i believe is a more exact scenario for the Covid INJECTION Agenda now engulfing the world. I came upon a paper written by Serdar Duzgoren on a State Of The Nation webpage yesterday by chance, titled, “ HOW TO ELIMINATE UNVACCINATING PEOPLE THROUGH A VACCINATION PROGRAM.” You may already know about it or have read it. I believe that there is a lot of merit to his view as to what is going on. So far i and i think most people have been thinking basically along the lines of a dichotomy of vaccinated versus unvaccinated people but this is a mistake. This is exactly what the Jesuits want people to think; it’s the old duality, divide and conquer strategy that is so effective. It’s more like an “Agenda” hidden within an “Agenda.” Learn more at: How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God! Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost! The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast” Medical Freedom Alliance - Compilation Of Doctor’s Warnings “HOW TO ELIMINATE UNVACCINATING PEOPLE THROUGH A VACCINATION PROGRAM” - Submitted by Serdar Duzgoren Posted on May 30, 2021 by State of the Nation






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July 15th 2021  

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Category: How To & Education



- 3 years ago  

Not at all disagreeing however the 4th commandment is not waived at all like thou shall not kill. I believe they all all still valid. However Sunday = sun = Lucifer as an example. In Freemasonry this is the core of all they believe. However they (video presenter) have focused on one truth and make it their religion. I tend to agree about the vax being the mark but am not convicted and still am asking GOD - Having said that I assume I will die as I will never receive it. I have been preparing this for many months. That is a conviction. Thanks for your input. I am bouncing back some thoughts. The amount of misinformation is overwhelming. Controlled opposition like Alex Jones, Ike etc is off the chart. I am processing a life times indoctrination right now.

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Great to hear back from you! You are right! NO commandments are waived. On the contrary they are all SUMMED UP in CHRIST! He is the FULFILMENT of the old Law. If we are found IN HIM then we are FREE of the Law. The scripture says that Christ IS OUR SABBATH REST in Hebrews 4:1-10 and that having obeyed him we are found IN him. The Holy Spirit dwelling within is "Christ in you the hope of glory." Colossians 1:27 IF we are IN Christ and are obeying the 2 commandments that he gave: "to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and your neighbour as yourself" then we are fulfilling the whole Law. It is impossible to SIN if you are keeping these 2 commands 24/7. That's the Christian's mission. It doesn't matter what religious people do but it does matter what Christians do IF they do indeed belong to Christ. We are NOT Law Keeping, we are Christ FOLLOWING and IMITATING in thought, word and deed. That's the difference between dead religious "Ritual" and Observance which CAN'T SAVE and being led by the Holy Spirit within and being transformed from glory to glory into the Image of Christ which WILL SAVE. This is what it means to OVERCOME the world and everything that's in it! So glad to hear that you're not getting the INJECTION. God bless and strengthen you for what's coming!


- 3 years ago  

check They say the mark is this. Interested in your perspective. Also Worldlast chance who I doubt their validity.

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Thanks for sharing! Sunday Law is a distraction perpetuated by the Seventh Day Adventists. It has no bearing on the Mark Of The Beast. Remember that the SDA's are controlled by the Jesuits. The SDA's are a pseudo Christian cult that practices Old Testament Law Mixed with "Grace." This is unscriptural. It's either Law or Grace. You can't have both. Trying to keep the old law is the same as trampling the blood of Jesus underfoot. Basically it is the same as saying to God that Jesus' sacrifice was not ENOUGH! This is blasphemy. The Mark is both Spiritual AND Physical. The Word is clear about that. It has a lot to do with both ALLEGIANCE and COMMERCE: buying and selling. How does that apply to worshipping on a certain day of the week? It is a LITERAL Mark in the Right Hand or Forehead NOT symbolic. This will be accomplished with the "Micro Needle PATCH," which will be given to those who have already received 2 INJECTIONS. How worshipping on a Saturday or Sunday has any relevance to the Mark of the Beast i have NO idea. It is nonsense. As Christians we are free to be led by the Spirit of God within and worship 24/7 in everything we say and do that it might bring Glory to God. Be careful with WLC. They are good at exposing the Jesuits BUT will also infiltrate false teachings from their false prophet Ellen White into their messages. I have learned much from Walter Veith in the past about the Jesuits but reject his SDA doctrines many of which are unbiblical. We are saved by "Faith" through "GRACE." Out of this salvation we then DO the works that God has foreordained for us to walk in them. Ephesians 2:19 I hope this helps clarify things. If you have any other questions or are unsure about something do not hesitate to ask. I'll help you if i can! God bless you!