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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 204 - A Tartarian Fantasy!

  - 1:11:18

In this video i want to examine YET another online meme or FABLE that has gained traction since about 2016. You may have come across some of these YT channels, blogs and websites exploring the theme of the lost civilization of “Tartaria.” In these last days we have been witnessing the rise of many false narratives not based in fact that have distracted untold millions of people. Tartaria is just one more FICTION attacking the Biblical account of history! It is nothing more than an attempt to establish another worldview thus leading people away from the Bible narrative of Creation. Learn more at: How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God! Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost! The Holy Spirit The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast” The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire Video Series - Six Pages - 161 Videos New Tube - Darkness Is Falling Video Series Face Book - Darkness Is Falling Video Series Rumble - Darkness Is Falling Video Series Instagram - Darkness Is Falling History Of Yesterday






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December 27th 2021  

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Category: How To & Education



- 2 years ago  

One more thing... I realize many are not very read in their Biblical understanding but tataria ancient civilization being in almost every nation doesn’t mess with the Noah Flood destruction... don’t forget ab the flood that Daniel speaks of when prophesying about the Prince, Yeshua our Salvation read Daniel Ch 9 25-Daniel 10


- 2 years ago  

So I’m just not so sure what you say about Tataria is valid? In what way does it purport evolution and new age philosophy? I have a pic of a Freemasonic Newsletter from the 1850’s that discusses the Masonic objective of undermining, destroying, and erasing /altering the history and settlements of the Tatars as an empire culture and people.... the United States was first explored by these Masons and Jesuits... of anything wouldn’t the historical narrative be absolutely bullshit? So why are you to assume that the Tatarian Empire was not more of a worldwide empire or at least just more than one would think... I believe the Giants described by the explorers and the very mounds in my state of ohio are mentioned in so many newspapers after farmers excavated them and found giant skeletons! I believe it’s possible America could be home to Egypt Babylonia, Assyria, and Canaan... there are lots of connections even the cedars of Lebanon sound awful similar to the giant sequoias and Redwoods. The missippi having Cairo and Memphis (with pyramid) in old photos and Parthenon in 1890’s Tennessee expo


- 2 years ago  

You also said where did everyone go? I’m assuming you have considered preterism? I just don’t think you can rule out the possibility that we are in the little season after the Millenium.. as much of what is in support for this is straight from Yeshua mouth.. I’m confused when u say there’s a record of the “mudflood” ? I’m just not sure if you are up to date with the actual amnt of mud that covered much of The USA where I’m at and prob where ur at... also it’s interesting that the narrative for Vesuvius was in 70 ad when the Roman Empire destroyed Judah and Jerusalem temple and most Jews... you also say the rapture was Jesuit invention? My King James Bible seems to describe those living and the dead in Christ at his coming meet in clouds


- 2 years ago  

Hello, this is the first NewTube video I've watched with my new account just today. I've been following Zach Hubbard's gematria channels for a few years now, he does a good job providing evidence that the Jesuits are in control these days. I follow many of your claims, but I do have a few questions. First, what does it mean that scientists have never isolated a virus? I have not heard that before. Second, regarding the vaxes for this forced pandemic, isn't the damage done by believing in the fake cience-based beast system, not necessarily by what's in the syringe? They could have saline in the syringe, but if we take it in belief, the spiritual damage is the same. That's been my perspective throughout this. Tbh, I haven't finished this video yet, I'll do so as soon as I can.

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi and welcome! Re: viruses. Yes, it is true. No virus has ever been isolated in a lab. That's proof that this fake vaccine isn't a vaccine but a malevolent Bio-Weapon. Viruses are 100% beneficial and are the bodies 2nd line of defense against toxicity. Viruses aren't alive and CAN'T be caught or transmitted between animals or humans. This false belief is based on Louis Pasteur's false "Germ Theory" claims. The truth is Antoine Bechamp's "Terrain Theory." Bechamp's work has been suppressed right out of existence almost by the Jesuit run "science" cabal who write the textbooks. This is how doctors are deceived! Disease comes from "WITHIN" the body and NOT from WITHOUT! The whole killer virus myth is totally fabricated and untrue. NO virus has ever hurt or sickened anyone.Viruses are "chemical solvents" created by the body and then eradicated when the detoxification job is done. The body can make a combination of 320.000 of these "cleaners" when required. Please watch Video No. 86 for more info. Re: The Mark. No, the belief is NOT the Mark. OBEDIENCE to the Beast NWO to TAKE the Series of INJECTIONS into the body results in damnation because the mRNA destroys the Image Of God DNA code in the cells replacing it with Satan's DNA code. Vaccines are NOT science but pagan mystical "trans-formation" ritual. Mark in the Greek is "Charagma" which means to "engrave" or "inscribe" or "stamp" or "impress into." That is the same as "inject." Please watch Video No's 77, 94, 99, 102, 108, 115, 122, 127,142, 151, 168, and 192. These cover a lot of info and will be useful to your understanding. Do NOT inject under any circumstances. It is eternal DEATH away from the presence of God. Prefer to die for Christ. Your time to get up to speed on this is diminishing rapidly. Do not delay! Make it a No.1 priority! God bless you richly!


- 2 years ago  

It won’t let me comment more so I’m replying to this guy but it’s for the video, Just because mine unveiled is bullshit new age doesn’t mean all tatarian discussion is in this genre.. what ab UAP channel? He is Christian and his points are very valid.. if anything you are buying into the narrative and think the history is valid you have been sold. It’s obviously not all true, also I don’t think ppl that have gotten vaxed are unable to be saved. Sure it’s poison but you could certainly change their mind, and anything that gets u to generate glutathione would get rid of the spike protein


- 2 years ago  

I'm tell the truth your NOT challenge me in front of you pathetic followers loser to find out who speaks the goddamn truth you low life LYING judas goat.


- 2 years ago  

Last point is that the mark of the beast would have to be present with the buying and selling being cut off so the mark is not here yet, also 3 different times in the OT we are told not keeping the commandments will be as a sign upon your hand and as frontlets between your eyes


- 2 years ago  

Interesting timing. I have been reading info from the website 'Stolen History' Information on 'World Fairs' 'hidden history etc. Very interesting and very well put together.. thank-you for the warning. They do make these things very 'believable.' I don't necessarily disagree with everything presented but I will certainly be bringing a greater level of discernment concerning the seemingly rapid increase of these ideas. Many thanks.


- 2 years ago  

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Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Thanks for your comments! Forewarned is to be forearmed. The internet is an avalanche of Lies and Deception. Hosea 4:6, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." Gods Word is the only standard of Truth in the world today. The Jesuits have poisoned everything! God bless you!


- 2 years ago  

So the man in this video claims “undocumented (time changes) are therefore fiction”? Wouldn’t that absolutely be possible and just be that the Jesuits covered up the time changes? Like he said it’s impossible 1000 years have been added? Why? Cuz there’s no mainstream narratives ? That’s the only thing I don’t get he believes in a huge conspiracy yet is takin the history we have been spoon fed by the same ppl he says control us and it’s cannon? If Christ tells the truth then some with Him didn’t taste death untill they saw him Coming in thr Clouds with Great glory”! We could be post millenium reign and the Jesuits could have covered it up, it may not be the case but don’t u think having an open mind may be nevcisary


- 2 years ago  

FUCK you with zio-christian Judas goat BULLSHIT! You are Truly insane!


- 2 years ago  

"O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things. But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment." Matthew 12:34-36 KJV

Believe it

- 2 years ago  

Osiris did it first, my masonic edition of the holy bible has the egyptian gods in it.


- 2 years ago  

Thank you for making this very important video. I must admit, I have noticed the Tartarian video's you mention and found them fascinating with regards to the old world footage of how people were living, and of the mud floods. I am trying to be completely without sin and feel I am doing a good job. I am 58 years of age and sorry to say, I have not been religious however, I have always had a love for Jesus and God. I do ask for forgiveness when I remember a particular sin I committed sometime in my life. I do wish to be saved by God and ask him to renew my heart. I have not been coerced into genetic modification, as I have a perfect immune system designed by God as a gift. I am prepared to lose my job if told to take the injection of death. I'd like to say, your presentation video has opened my eyes further, and I thank you for that. I have tried to share the message to friends and workmates of the tyranny taking place here in the UK, but I get ridiculed and called an anti V'r. I also get good information from Friar Alexis Bugnolo on Bitchute.

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

So great to hear from you! I'm so thankful that this message has helped you! I am encouraged greatly by your sincere desire to be "Right" with God. Also, your determination to resist the MOB INJECTIONS. I sense however a "Catholic" tinge to your expressions. Correct me if i'm wrong. Salvation comes only through FAITH in Jesus Christ and his death and resurrection. Catholicism is a pagan religion and nothing it teaches can save you. None of their doctrines or rituals are Biblical. Repentance and water baptism by FULL immersion and then baptism in the Holy Spirit are all necessary for salvation as is a Holy Life without sin. Acts 2:38 You can have FULL assurance before God that you are saved IF you fully OBEY his commands. I sense some doubt about that in your writing. You are expressing HOPE but not FAITH! Please go to my webpage at: There you will see the steps laid out simply on what anyone needs to do to be Right with God. God bless you for your stand against Tyranny and your willingness to suffer persecution for Christ's name's sake. Come completely out of the Babylonian Roman Catholic system and God will receive you. God has commanded this of ALL people through ALL the ages in Jeremiah 51:45 and Revelation 18:4.