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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 64 - The Jesuitical Doctrine Of Accepting Christ

  - 31:57

Hello and welcome to Video 64 in this series exposing the Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire and the avalanche of false teachings its Masonic agents have infiltrated into the Christian mainstream for the last 500 years masquerading as the true gospel which have all but buried the true gospel. I’ll be reading a letter written and the reply to that letter re: the diabolical false gospel of “Accepting Christ” from The Path Of Truth website. I’ll put the link in the description box below. Accepting Christ as saviour is nowhere found in the Bible. It is a false gospel that has led untold millions onto the wide road to destruction. This doctrine causes people to believe they are saved because they said a prayer thus causing little or no fruit in their lives. The sin and rebellion continue because of a wrong understanding about "repentance." The Jesuits are the inventors of this man made, gnostic, self help gospel, which is an inversion of the real gospel that demands repentance, obedience, holiness and promises persecution and suffering. God’s standard for human conduct is very high and ultimately deliberate wilful sin will not be forgiven! This may be the greatest deception in Christianity today! Learn more at: The Path of Truth website:






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