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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 226 - Snakes!

  - 1:58:15

In this video i want to return to Video No.177 titled “American Woman” posted back in August of 2021 and to Video No.13 titled, “The Jesuits Created The New Age Deception” posted more than 3 years ago. The reason i’m doing this is for the sake of the American people that i love very much and who visit my channel a lot. Sadly, many Americans still cannot grasp the scope of the EVIL that has occurred in their country and taken it down. The magnitude of the deception is horrifying! I’m NOT singling out the USA for vindictive purposes but once again to warn as many as will HEAR that their country is GONE! The American DREAM is long GONE! It’s ALL an ILLUSION! Americans are living in a FASCIST Roman Catholic controlled STATE ruled by the Jesuit Military Order just like ALL the other Nations. Washington DC is a “Snake Pit” of deception and treachery! Democracy doesn’t exist! Elections and Voting are a HOAX! The office of PRESIDENT has been abolished! It doesn’t exist! Freedom is an ILLUSION and nothing more! ALL these things are a FACADE. Just Window Dressing in the Media to keep the ILLUSION alive! The Government and Media have been Lying to AMERICANS for a few lifetimes. Not only have Politicians been Lying but also the Health and Medical Fraternity of Snake Doctors. These men and women generation on generation have been instituting the goals of the Jesuit Vatican NWO of the New Age under the Jesuit’s instructions through Freemasonry. New Age “philosophy” is just “Old Age” pagan thinking. The Roman Catholic “Snake Cult” control it all. Through the 2 TROJAN HORSES of FAKE “Politics” and FALSE Religion worshiping the “Creation” America has been INFILTRATED or “gutted” from the INSIDE OUT at the highest levels! This is really important to grasp! The American people have been betrayed and i will present strong evidence to prove it! Learn more at: How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God!






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Category: How To & Education



- 2 years ago  

HEY, that’s an insult to all of the snakes of the world! The Jesuits are demonic, lying, manipulative, backstabbing, blasphemous, thieving, murderous puppets of Satan, and they are responsible for millions of innocent lives! I just don’t understand how they swear their allegiance to the Pope/Satan, when they know that one day they will kneel before the Lord and answer for their crimes against humanity and the Lord! They know that Satan LOSES!


- 2 years ago  

HEY, that’s an insult to all of the snakes of the world! The Jesuits are demonic, lying, manipulative, backstabbing, blasphemous, thieving, murderous puppets of Satan, and they are responsible for millions of innocent lives! I just don’t understand how they swear their allegiance to the Pope/Satan, when they know that one day they will kneel before the Lord and answer for their crimes against humanity and the Lord! They know that Satan LOSES!


- 2 years ago  

The mark of the beast is not an injection and to teach that it is shows lack of knowledge!

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Great to hear from you! Sadly, you have got a long way to go as far as understanding the current world situation goes. When a non vaccine "SERIES" of injections is being thrust upon every living soul by a One World Government and buying and selling is "contingent" on having "it" then THAT IS the Biblical "Mark Of The Beast." I have presented the evidence in 239 videos. I suggest that you go back and watch at least 50 of them and educate yourself into "Reality." I don't know where you are living BUT you obviously haven't heard what is happening worldwide and FASCIST restrictions haven't come to your door yet! Not for long! You'll see that everything i have taught here is 100% right whether you want to SEE it or not! Time is running out! I pray that God will open your eyes IF it isn't already TOO late. Are you already INJECTED? Is that why you are resisting the truth? If so then it's TOO late for you! You are objecting in vain! If NOT, then may God have mercy on you!


- 2 years ago  

Darkness is Falling. You are wrong, sorry but your lack of understanding is obvious, you simply do not understand scripture, nor do you know the true God. And for you to say it's TOO late for people who disagree with you is funny as hell because you are of the world and you do NOT know Truth, and because you are of the world you speak as the world speaks which is BS regardless of how many videos you pump out, you're just an arrogant man! And as far as God having mercy on me, are you so spiritual blind that you don't yourself pray for Him to have mercy on you, see the arrogance? Your lack of understanding is so great it's actually stupid because you don't even see where we are at in the timeline of the antichrist! Is the antichrist here ruling the nation's, no, therefore the vaccine cannot be the mark of the beast!! Like it or not you are wrong, and because you're wrong and your pride has blinded you you will fall for the deception that is coming!

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Thanks for your reply! The antichrist IS here and IS ruling the world. You can't SEE him because you don't want to. You are willfully BLIND! The Roman Catholic popes have been ruling the world to different degrees for 1900 years. Funny how you can't SEE that when MANY people CAN. Francis IS the Beast and he rules the nations through the United Nations "Image" of the Beast New World Order Government just as the Bible declares. He IS the FINAL antichrist and the non vaccine IS the Mark. There is NO virus and thus the vaccine can't be a "vaccine" It changes the DNA. Once again, you can't SEE this because you don't WANT TO. Also apparently you are too lazy to go and read or listen to the evidence presented by not only myself but others. You condemnation before God is just!


- 2 years ago  

Has he stood in the Holy place declaring that they are God, no! Therefore the man of sin has not come upon the scene. And it is only when he comes are people forced to receive a mark which by they way ain't no vaccine! The antichrist wants to be God and he wants to be worshiped as God so you are misleading people in to false belief, that makes you an antichrist spirit. And you do not anything about me to say I'm lazy and I've listened to you quacks spewing your bs for 50 years about what you think the MOB is, but rest assured you will answer for your lies!

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Here is a quote taken from the The Western Watchman, a paper published in St. Louis by Roman Catholic Father D. S. Phelan, June 27th, 1912. He states emphatically: “Tell us we are Catholics first and Americans or Englishmen afterwards; of course we are. Tell us, in the conflict between the church and the civil government we take the side of the church; of course we do. Why, if the government of the United States were at war with the church, we would say tomorrow, to hell with the government of the United States; and if the church and all the governments of the world were at war, we would say, to hell with all the governments of the world. * * * Why is it that in this country where we have only seven per cent of the population, the Catholic church is so much feared? She is loved by all her children and feared by everybody. Why is it the Pope has such tremendous power? Why, the Pope is the ruler of the world. All the emperors, all the kings, all the princes, all the presidents of the world are as these altar boys of mine. The Pope is the ruler of the world.” Is that NOT clear enough to all of you who still doubt?” How about this arrogant boast by Pope Pius XI, taken from his Encyclical Letter UBI ARCANO DEI CONSILIO (On the Peace of Christ in the Kingdom of Christ), December 23, 1922. Pius XI states in article 67. … “the hand of God, who guides the course of history, has set down the Chair of His Vicar on earth, in this city of Rome which, from being the capital of the wonderful Roman Empire, was made by Him the capital of the whole world, because He made it the seat of a sovereignty which, since it extends beyond the confines of nations and states, embraces within itself all the peoples of the whole world. The very origin and divine nature of this sovereignty demands, the inviolable rights of conscience of millions of the faithful of the whole world demand that this sacred sovereignty must not be, neither must it ever appear to be, subject to any human authority or law whatsoever, even though that law be one which proclaims certain guaranties for the liberty of the Roman Pontiff.” The Popes have declared many, many times over the last 1000 years that they are God or Christ on Earth and that every soul must worship and obey them. That there is only 1 true church and that is the Roman Catholic Cult. Rome has made it very clear who the "Dynasty" of 266 Antichrists are. There is only 1 phenomenon like this in history. You have been blinded by false doctrines taught by false teachers teaching "FUTURISM" which is a Jesuit doctrine. I have explained this in many videos but contrary to your claim you have NOT watched them. I have laid the whole story out right from Video No.1. MANY people have woken up and written to me to tell me. This video series is an EDUCATIONAL COURSE and NOT some crass social media commentary channel. Please go back to No.1 and do yourself a favour and work your way through the videos and get the story right. ALL the Reformers KNEW the Pope was the antichrist right down to the 20th century. Why can't you SEE it? It's clear that you are a terribly confused person with a lot of False ideas that prevent you from seeing the truth. I hope you'll humble yourself and take this sound advice before it's too late! Time is short! + 5 billion people are now MARKED IN their bodies with MOTB nano technologies that have changed the "Image of God" DNA in them. The Beast is not only sitting as God in his Roman Palace ruling the world, he is also sitting in the DNA code of 5 billion HUMAN "TEMPLES" RULING their BODIES! God bless you!


- 2 years ago  

Throughout history many men have claimed to be god or Jesus Christ as well as churches that lay claim to be God's true church but that doesn't mean anything, it's just arrogant men blowing their own horns. And I do not disagree that Catholicism is the biggest horn blowers of all time but they are NOT the man of sin. Paul tells us in 2 Thessalonians that we are not to be deceived by any means, for that Day WILL NOT COME unless the falling away comes first, AND the man of sin is revealed, the son of Perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits AS god in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. And to this date no man has came before the world proclaiming to be God, remember it will be on the world stage and no man has done such a thing, yet. Now many have called themselves god or Jesus but calling themselves isn't the samething. And as far as this vaccine changing people's DNA well that has yet to be proven, besides the antichrist is not wanting people's DNA changed he wants to be worshiped so you're confusing the subject with your own fears. In fact people such as yourself that make such uneducated statements are doing nothing but instilling fear and you should stop it.

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Thanks for your more "measured" and less "insulting" reply! The "Man of Sin" is a "Dynasty" of Papal emperors. The first one (Sylvester I) was "revealed" in 314 AD just as Paul said it would be. You have completely ignored 2000 years of history because you have been deceived by "Futurism" a false Jesuit doctrine that claims the antichrist is a "mysterious" superman who will come out of nowhere. The Bible doesn't say this! You are a victim of Jesuitical FUTURISM. It has blinded you to real History! The power of the Imperial Roman "Caesarship" was handed over to Sylvester by Constantine by 325 AD and the transition was finalized by 380 AD with the Treaty of Thessaloniki! Power was TRANSFERRED from "IMPERIAL" CAESARIAN to "PAPAL" CAESARIAN as the Roman Empire crumbled. Church and State became ONE but it took another 400 years for the Roman Catholic Cult to assert its influence over the nations of Europe. You are willfully ignoring the Past in favour of the Future! The RC Cult BEAST system is the Antichrist and ALL Protestant Academics have said so including Martin Luther. It is Biblical and you are guilty of blindly IGNORING the FACTS! As for the injections changing the DNA; it is a FACT and is Documented by scientists. Once again you are showing your ignorance of the Facts because you don't even KNOW this! A Swedish Science report recently concluded that the mRNA shots change human DNA! Why do you NOT know this but many do! You have NOT studied to "show yourself approved" as the scripture demands and are unqualified to make the false statements you have made. As for "fear" i have none except for God and am not instilling fear in anyone. I am simply Warning them with the FACTS which you choose to ignore! You also gravely misunderstand what "Worship" is. Romans 6:16 will tell you plainly that "To whom you OBEY, to HIM you are a Servant." SERVICE and OBEDIENCE and WORSHIP are synonymous in the Bible. ALL those who have submitted to the Vatican WHO's demands to be "INJECTED" have Obeyed the Beast's NWO Government! They have OBEYED men rather than God. They are Worshiping the Beast with their OBEDIENCE and SERVICE! They are being DECEIVED just as the Bible warns over and over! Allowing your DNA to be changed is TOTAL WORSHIP and IDENTIFICATION with the BEAST and his DNA IMAGE! Sadly, you are BLIND to the time in which you live because of FUTURIST doctrine. Unless you Repent and change your thinking you WILL take the INJECTION to "Save your Life" "ULTIMATELY" and you will Perish eternally! You have been left alone by NWO authorities so far but that will change soon. The CV19 SERIES of Injections finishing with a Micro-Needle PATCH in the Right Hand or Forehead IS the Biblical Mark Of The Beast! This is my last warning to you! I will not reply again as you have heard enough of the Facts! Refusal to accept the truth when it is presented to you is "Arrogance" against the truth and is SIN! Paul says this kind of person is a "Heretic" and to be avoided after 1 or 2 admonitions. I have done this as commanded by scripture! Titus 3:9-11, "But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain. 10A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject; 11Knowing that he that is such is subverted, and sins, being condemned of himself." The warning stands! God bless you!


- 2 years ago  

Only a condemned fool who is injected mocks God and creation.Humble yourself and beg for mercy


- 2 years ago  

Thank you very much for your precious, rich and strait to the point work - I have seen all your videos with the utmost attention, save them, and tried to share your website with some relatives ... I have found you by chance, looking for Jesuits, mentionned by archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano (catholic...) as a cause of problems in the catholic church - I discovered much more than I could imagine, found a clear logic in present events, freed myslef from many oppressive illusions and came back to the Bible, the only source. Remining in prayer, Thank you again

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Anna It's so great to hear from you! Praise God that you have returned to the truth of God's Word. This is what i'm hearing from many! God is bringing his "remnant" people in before the end comes. I'm praying for you that you will stand no matter what. Jesus Christ is faithful. Put ALL your trust in him! God bless you richly!


- 2 years ago  

i watched this about the time you had 180 views... amazing information. i watched several of your videos. why i was drawn to this knowledge in the past 10 years, i don’t even consider questioning. i believe GOD, the creator of heaven and earth allows certain folks to witness the evil driving force in our realm, at work to destroy HIS creation. wow, i was hoping this video, and this series, had more views. brother, keep up your magnificent work, i will continue to be faithful to our LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS, the CHRIST... much love and respect to your ministry. never believed this tripe that, this world has had to offer in my soon to be 61 years of existence. thank you again for your insight.

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

It's so great to hear from you! Most people never comment. My channels are heavily suppressed and censored so i've been told by many so it's impossible to extend my reach. It's ok, God is in charge here and gets the messages out to those who need to hear them. The vaxxed are not interested in what i have to say. The unvaxxed are now a minority and shrinking every day! This is for the REMNANT, many of who are waking up at the last minute! Share if you can! Please pray for me. God bless you richly!


- 2 years ago  

The American Dream . You have to be asleep to believe it. George Carlin

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Great quote! 100% true! Sadly, Carlin was an Irish RC Masonic dupe mocking the crowds. He was an "insider." He paid the price for his 15 minutes of earthly fame!


- 2 years ago  

I heard trump’s son was kidnapped to ge trump to advocate the the vaccines to get his son back.

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

It's just another MSM story put out to mislead people. Trump is 100% complicit in this deception and following the Jesuit script given to him! Never believe any of these stories! We're drowning in a sea of Media lies and deception. God bless you!

Dragon Slayer Intel

- 2 years ago  

Cry out from the soul, Holy Spirit power, brothers !

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

I hear you! I'm doing my best! God bless you!