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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 255 - MOTB Addendum

  - 1:17:03

In this video i want to look once again at the CV19 Mark of the Beast technology and maybe for the last time! This will be an “Addendum” to Video No.214 titled, Final Solution” and Video No.221 titled, “MOTB” as well as a range of videos prior to them dealing with CV19 vaccine technologies. If you haven’t listened to those videos then i urge you to do so as they contain a lot of very pertinent information which will help fill in the picture for you. We are slowly moving to the end of this almost 3 year MARKING program by the New World Order. We need to be clear about WHAT is happening and HOW this will play out for the Saints of God. We already know a lot BUT the nature of deception is an ONION, multi-layered and ever peeling - evolving. What we THOUGHT would take place in many instances HASN’T transpired. WHY is that? We began to think that the future HAD TO BE like this or that. That is exactly what the Jesuit cabal hoped for! A Utopian / Dystopian syncretism where Hope and Despair enter a constant state of flux; and confusion in the mind. This mental programming prevents people from SEEING the TRUTH of HOW it will be according to the scriptures. TV and Movies are the most effective form of Mind Control! Learn more at: How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God! Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost! The Holy Spirit The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast” The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire Video Series - Ten Pages - 267 Videos:






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November 17th 2022  

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Category: How To & Education



- 2 years ago  

Drone footage of blood stains on top of Georgia Guidestones from satanic rituals --- (NOTE: the above view of the Georgia Guidstones - shows the cross 'x ; - the Mark of the Beast ( . RC Christian = R=18 (666) destroying C (3) Father, Son and Holy Ghost and hence all that is 'Christian'.


- 2 years ago  

Scripture order corrected : WHERE DID THE CATHOLIC PROSTITUTES GET THE IDEA TO SET-UP THE ABOMINATION GEORGIA GUIDSTONES OF DEATH AND DESTRUCTION? - FROM THESE VERSES IN THE BIBLE : [KJV 1611] Deu 27:1 And Moses with the Elders of Israel commaunded the people, saying, keepe all THE COMMANDEMENTS WHICH I COMMAND YOU THIS DAY. --- [KJV 1611] Deu 27:2 And it shall be on the day when you shall passe ouer Iordan, vnto the land which the Lord thy God giueth thee, THAT THOU SHALT SET THEE VP GREAT STONES, and plaister them with plaister. --- [KJV 1611] Deu 27:3 and THOU SHALT WRITE VPON THEM ALL THE WORDS OF THIS LAW when thou art passed ouer, that thou mayest goe in vnto the land which the Lord thy God giueth hee, a land that floweth with milke and hony, as the Lord God of thy fathers hath promised thee. --- (

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Joshua! Thank you for all your contributions on this channel. I agree about this one completely. Satanic Inversion of the original. God bless you!


- 2 years ago  

WHERE DID THE CATHOLIC DEVILS GET THE IDEA TO SET-UP THE ABOMINATION GEORGIA GUIDSTONES OF DEATH AND DESTRUCTION? - FROM THESE VERSES IN THE BIBLE : [KJV 1611] Deu 27:1 And Moses with the Elders of Israel commaunded the people, saying, keepe all THE COMMANDEMENTS WHICH I COMMAND YOU THIS DAY. --- [KJV 1611] Deu 27:3 and THOU SHALT WRITE VPON THEM ALL THE WORDS OF THIS LAW when thou art passed ouer, that thou mayest goe in vnto the land which the Lord thy God giueth hee, a land that floweth with milke and hony, as the Lord God of thy fathers hath promised thee. --- [KJV 1611] Deu 27:2 And it shall be on the day when you shall passe ouer Iordan, vnto the land which the Lord thy God giueth thee, THAT THOU SHALT SET THEE VP GREAT STONES, and plaister them with plaister. --- (


- 2 years ago  

The Catholic Antichrist NWO mouth-piece - The Economist - 'changing your genes' ---


- 2 years ago  

The Catholic Antichrist NWO mouth-piece - The Economist - 'changing your genes' ---


- 2 years ago  

Multilayer Onion ? It would be too simple ... Mutlidimentionnal "onion" with torsions, echo chambers, misleading fractals, optic illusions, multi-meaning, multi-contradictory and what more ? Thank you William, deeply from the heart, for helping us, as usual, not to get lost. Thank you for mentionning SDA erroneous doctrine on the mark. What makes you think that 5G is a total fiction ? Do you mean 5G tech doesn't exist at all, or that the system IOT and IOB will not function and only radiations damaging the health of poeple living nearby antennas emitting deadly frequencies exist ? Dr.Lee Meritt declared that it apears that only one specific category of poeple will not be affected by infertility after injection. I think she is also speaking about GMO slaves, probably after cutting off genes from the 8th chromosome wearing genes for suprior functions -"God's genes" - I have not seen yet the video on BChute "Genetically Modified Slaves: The Past and Future of Humanity with Dr. Lee Merritt" Thank you for reminding Rev 9 : 6, as well as very precise "charagma". Do you know Paul Anthony Wallis and Mauro Biglino ? I have not searched into the depth, they possibly deviate at some point, but the explanation of Numb 31.17 as not God demands but that of one of powerful, fiercly competing entities usurping God's identity and terrorising, killing humans seems logical to me. I don't know, maybe entities that "eate the fruit of knowledge" (technology and powers) too hastily, whithout becoming internally, spiritually mature in God'way, which results in soulless, bloodthisty and dominating monsters ? Wallis understands Jesus' parabol of father who would not give a snake to his child as the direct answer to the snakes send to bite poeple in the desert in OT. God-Father declared by Jesus dissociates totally with some OT descriptions and can not possibly be the same god that this one who is sending snakes or killing poeple, or discussing that he is not interested in poeple because they do not live more thant 120 years old (I don't remember where it's written, bu it alerted me and disgusted from reading further). Marcion of Sinope may have had the same reasonning (but what he concluded I did not studied deeper) Or, some OT stories must be understood exclusively as a metaphor representing the way of an individual soul back to God ? Difficult to discuss these reflections in this short form of comments, I agree ! I cling to Jesus in order not to get confused or mislead. Thank you for your patience with my English, and thank you for being so clear, that your presentations are easy to understand for not native English speakers (you were teacher, you said once) May God continue to keep you under His constant inspiring and loving protection. God bless you, William !

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Hi Anna! Your English is great so do not apologize. Yes you are right. Just "multi-layer" onion is a bit simplistic when describing The Jesuit Masonic Cabal! I didn't say 5G doesn't exist. It does according tot he documents. This technology is "weapons" grade short millimetre micro waves, which is ineffective for wide range tele-communications. It can only be used for small localized applications in high population density URBAN areas. It is labour intensive to build. It doesn't work like 4G LTE. The Jesuits have built a 5G FEAR psy-op over the last 5 years. Why? It's just a distraction. People are made to believe that 5G is causing Covid. It's nonsense. If everyone is INJECTED they have achieved their goal. The vaccine becomes the virus. What then is the use for 5G? To do exactly what? Mind Control humans? Not so. The Bible says otherwise. People will have the ability to make choices right to the end and "Will refuse to repent." Yes, God WILL kill people with absolutely "righteous" judgement when he deems it necessary. The interpretation of scripture you have quoted appears to be unbiblical. There are MANY examples in the Old and New testaments where God killed people because of their wickedness. Hebrews 10:31, "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." Remember that it is God who sends the Strong Delusion making people believe the Lie so they are DAMNED (Killed) 2 Thess 2:12. At the Great White Throne judgement God will throw billions of people into the Lake of Fire, which is "Eternal Death," the 2nd death without dying! He will be Killing them by our definition. He does it in the TEMPORAL realm (Now) and he does it in the SPIRITUAL realm (Eternity.) The scripture declares, "Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward you, goodness, if you continue in his goodness: otherwise you also shall be cut off." Romans 11:12. Those who FELL were KILLED by God. Praise God that God's GOODNESS is extended to all those who LOVE him and OBEY his WORD! It's always wonderful to chat with you Anna. I pray God's blessing on you and, "That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints," Ephesians 1:17-18 God bless you!


- 2 years ago  

Anna, I would not waste my time with PAUL WALLIS & MAURO BIGLINO - they are Masons. MAURO BIGLINO seems to be a Jesuit. If you check the PAUL WALLIS website at the top you will see a fainted out pyramid with a bright sun shining out at its apex (all seeing eye) - ( compare with Freemason NWO pyramid - ( The book of Dueteronomy teaches us the all false religion worship either the sun or moon or stars (fallen angels/devils) - a combination of these or all three. They have a false round Earth (Bible states Earth is flat in numerous places) and the sun shining, they are sun worshippers - Masonry worships the sun, moon and stars (fallen angels/devils).