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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 175 - Cause & Effects!

  - 55:39

In this video i want to highlight the “Cause and Effect” duality that the Jesuits exploit to keep people distracted and deceived. It is vital to understand how the Jesuits keep the whole world in a state of “Ignorance,” even “Stupidity.” The strategy is embarrassingly simple. The only thing the PERPETRATOR has to do to remain hidden is to keep people looking in the opposite direction at EFFECTS created by him. It works every time. It’s what a MAGICIAN or SORCERER does! This is exactly what the Jesuits do and have been doing for 500 years using SORCERY. In the past they were caught out many times because of their aggressive political “intrigues” and attempts at subverting governments. They were ejected from 83 nation states and even as recently as 1939. The Jesuit Order’s dogged persistence and extremely clever BABUSHKA DOLL strategy has for the most part kept them hidden from public view and deceived the masses. Plain common sense will dictate that if you want to STOP the effect of something … anything then you have to deal with the CAUSE. Why is this so hard for people to grasp? If you don’t KNOW what the CAUSE is then HOW on Earth can you STOP the EFFECTS? Once again. Knowledge is Power! Learn more at: How To Get Born Again and Become A Child of God! Following Jesus Christ & Counting the Cost! The Holy Spirit The Roman Catholic “Mark Of The Beast” The Jesuit Vatican New Age Deception Rumble - Darkness Is Falling Video Series






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July 27th 2021  

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Category: How To & Education



- 3 years ago  

From David Kennedy. Hello Brother. With all respect I have a sensitive question. Since you do not believe in self defense are you going to let them jab you when they come to your door and hold you down? Then what? This is a sincere question.

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Hi Dave I understand your question. Here's a question for your question. Where do you get the idea that people will be forced? I don't know where that is in scripture. It's also not found in history. The Saints were always KILLED for "refusing to comply" with Roman demands. Satan and his minions want VOLUNTARY COMPLIANCE. "THAT" is WORSHIP! "OBEDIENCE IS WORSHIP!" Romans 6:16. No one is going to forcibly jab anyone. The request will be to COMPLY or DIE. I have stated this many times in my videos. IF people refuse to COMPLY then the BEAST doesn't want you in his kingdom and will ERADICATE you. This Biblical concept seems to be very difficult for people living in a "spoiled" and "entitled" age to understand. The reason for this is very bad Bible teaching and inverted understandings about, Authority, Obedience, Service and Citizenship. People are so Masonic in their thinking today that they can't grasp the truth about these principals. Note: Were any of the 1st century saints "forced" to worship the Roman Beast Emperors? No, they were murdered because they REFUSED - for the CHOICE they made! It's ALWAYS about CHOICE! Remember Joshua's demand, "CHOOSE this day whom you will serve." They weren't forced, they CHOSE! I know that soon they will come and take me to a place of execution because i refuse to be Marked. They will respect my choice and KILL me! People can't comprehend that this could every possibly happen in Canada. What they don't understand is that this ISN'T Canada. We live in a Papal province of the Roman Catholic Cult. There are NO countries just Roman nation "CORPORATIONS." We are just "Chattels" (cattle) to the Jesuits. They are going to kill Billions of people like "CATTLE." Not my words. They have said this openly MANY TIMES! It's happening NOW. Millions are dying from the INJECTION. They ALL VOLUNTEERED - EVERY ONE. NO ONE WAS FORCIBLY INJECTED! NOT ONE! Go back to God's Word and note how everyone died in Acts. They all died for NON COMPLIANCE to MAN MADE RELIGIOUS AUTHORITY! It will be the same here soon! The MARK INJECTION is 100% RELIGIOUS! I hope that clears things up a bit! God bless you richly!


- 3 years ago  

Thank you for your answers. Very well written and good sound biblical reasoning. But there are people in long term care wards. Who chose to be there when they were younger but now are senile and being forced vaccinated. My Dad is one, I offered him to stay with us several times but did not want to be a burden to my family. Children are being vaccinated in some places without parental consent as well. I have seen some videos of forced vaccination in non christian countries where people are being held down and apparently vaccinated. But I guess for Christians they need our consent which would nullify the Lord's protection.

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Hi Dave I understand your concerns over this issue. I do not believe people in LTC are being vaccinated. I believe they are being "Euthanised" with a kill drug however i can't prove it. Think about it. There is no "point" Marking someone who's senile and is "useless" to the Beast's Kingdom (service). Please read Revelation 15:2. These people "overcame" the Mark. How did they do this? Either God's Word is true or "unsubstantiated" "unverified" videos are true. They can't both be right. The few videos i've seen are in a foreign language and we have no way to verify what is going on in them. Someone forgot to take their psyche meds and went nuts and had to be restrained and injected perhaps? I don't know! All i know is, God is JUST and TRUE! If every unvaccinated person will be FORCED then WHO are these people standing on the sea of glass? How did they escape being "forcibly" Marked? This vaxx is a pagan religious baptism into the Beast New World Order. It will kill many - maybe billions. I strongly suspect that it is the "Wormwood" star (Astra = Star) of Rev 8. It's a metaphor for this vaxx Mark. In video no. 171 i put forward a very possible plan within the plan. It's a eugenics program They want selected "young" people. The rest they will kill off. They already KNOW those who will "Refuse" the Mark. They have LISTS. These people are slated for execution just as in the past. I hope this makes things a bit more clear. I encourage you to put all your trust in God's "justice" rather than social media videos. There's a whole lot of deception also going on in alternative media. Remember: 1 Corinthians 10:13, "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it." That is either TRUE or a LIE. It applies directly to what is happening to the Saints of God in every place worldwide RIGHT NOW and going forward to the end. God bless you!


- 3 years ago  

I assure I am not putting my trust in social media videos reports. The long term care home here in my city send those who wish updates on their Covid situation and other events, which are usually twice a week. These are very detailed. They demand compliance, I would not approve. But my brother has power of attorney and he is not a believer in Jesus but embraces vaccines and all mainstream media info. So he may have been the one who gave them approval to jab my Dad. He is 95, why they think they should vaccinate someone that old is absurdity in the form of mania.

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Re: Your last reply. I'm sorry to hear about your brother having this power. It must be distressing. I also believe "vaxxing" a 95 year old is madness. I did not know your position but have always tried to be direct and truthful according to "what" i know! God bless you!


- 3 years ago  

Hi, I thought I'd cite a statement from one of the many books written about the Jesuit Order which pretty much sums up the their ultimate end: The Great Silence Conspiracy by Andrew Sinclair, 1980. "The Jesuits, because they are the first in the field with their secret organization, are dab hands at winning every round.... but the last one." At the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Satan learned that the heal he chose to strike was the One prophesied to crush his own head, sealing his eternal ruin. I often think about how genius this Swiss, Roman Jesuit plan is... when in fact the most genius plan of all was the Cross.


- 3 years ago  

Great comment. Thank you.


- 3 years ago  

Effect=confusion/curropt minds Cause= the author of confusion