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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 199 - For A Time Such As This!

  - 51:16

In this video i want to look at the idea of, “Made For A Time Such As This.” We are all products of the time into which we are born and live. Everything around us molds and shapes us into who we are and how we think and perceive the world. No one can escape this process of influence from our respective environments. We are now living in the most technologically advanced age in history that we know of and yet it is at the same time the darkest age filled with ignorance and selfishness. We are not even free but live in a state of “Illusion” that is called “democracy.” Nevertheless, God has raised us up to be his people for this time. We are “people” of our time for whom God has a very special purpose. This generation has been called to stand up to and oppose the final Papal Beast antichrist. This is a high calling people. What is about to happen will never be repeated ever again in eternity. We are the Jobs and Daniels of this final age of Great Tribulation. God is demonstrating to Satan once again that his people will NOT bow their knees to any of his demands to be MARKED! Daniel 11:32 declares, “but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.” Now is the time to “Do exploits” with the “understanding, resources, gifts and talents that God has given us. NOW is the time to rise up and “Do Exploits” in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Now is the last chance we have to Glorify God with our final acts RESISTING the BEAST to the “point of shedding our blood” as declared in Hebrews 12:4 and by HELPING others also escape “Eternal Damnation.” These final acts of the Saints of God will be remembered for all eternity so i encourage you to be STRONG in your FAITH toward God and do COURAGEOUSLY what God is SHOWING you to do. Do NOT be afraid because God is with you! We were made for this time so that God might be glorified in our lives and that his light might shine one last time before utter darkness engulfs the worldwide Kingdom of the Beast!






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December 1st 2021  

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Category: How To & Education



- a year ago  

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- 3 years ago  

FYI - Not read much so far. Seems like an interesting site.

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Thank you for sharing! Wilcoxson and i share many things in common as far as understandings of prophecy BUT he never uses the name of Jesus Christ. THAT is a red flag. WHY is that? He is also "publishing" books. That is another red flag. Most book writers are published by Masonic publishers. The Jesuits control ALL the printing presses today. How has he organized to do this and with whom? WHO is paying for his book writing enterprise? Just a friendly caution here to be careful and double-check everything from David. We are living in the greatest deception in History! It only takes 10% of error to pollute the 90% that is truth. That is what the vast majority are doing whether unwittingly or deliberately, willfully! God bless you!


- 3 years ago - he also says the vxx is not the mark (not to take it as it is evil) but he called Jesus Messiah too. Why not Yeshua for arguments sake but just Messiah?

Darkness Is Falling

- 2 years ago  

Yes! Like i said before just be careful! Some of these guys are Jesuits and you'd never know. They're slick! Saying this vaxx is NOT the Mark of the Beast is either deliberate or woefully ignorant. Either way he is misleading people. Just 1 injection and you have lost your Eternal Life. It's THAT serious. That's a BIG red flag next to his name! Thanks for letting me know. It's hard keeping up with all the charlatans. There's 1000's of them out there. God bless you!


- 3 years ago  

I have referred your site to as many places as I can. If you get in trouble just get standard a pc and install ubuntu as I am a tech person so these issues are normal every day life for me. Reloading the OS reset your computer. Looks like a rebuild worked well. MAC OS is based on a linux like OS essentially that they stole. Typical Apple. But 7 years is good. I brought back like to a 10 year dell using Linux. I do not take much notice of dream but I had one last night where a man spoke of his tiredness of the Corona Virus story and I told him yes its all about symbolism which he ignored and then said something about a castle and January 2022 as being a very significant month. Who knows like I said I believe the Word only and dream extremely vividly.

Darkness Is Falling

- 3 years ago  

Thank you for sharing the message and nice offer! Much appreciated! Computers are great when they work well but a real headache when they don't. Thanks also for sharing your dream. Interesting! Yes, the Word is our only guide. I'm glad to hear of your trust in the Word. God bless you!