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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 118 - Do The "Romans" Know Something?

  - 59:09

The Jesuits also create the narratives in the media for the purpose of controlling what people think and believe! They have been doing this for as long as they have controlled education and newspapers which happened centuries ago. This is so important to keep at the forefront of your thinking. Basically we are all picking our way through Jesuit fabricated Media News Stories that have been presented in a manner to achieve greater POWER and CONTROL over the minds of the masses. The Flat Earth narrative that emerged in the late 2000’s was also Jesuit contrived i believe for a very specific purpose! They initiated the presentation of this truth onto social media platforms in order to later discredit it and destroy people’s faith in it. They are that confident that they can control human psychology by taking the risk of revealing a very GREAT truth and the motionless Earth with foundations is absolutely true according to the Bible. Here’s a very important thought to consider which is now taken as FACT by the secular and religious mainstream: According to NASA we live on a spinning ball that rotates at near 1000 mph at the equator while spinning through space around a fiery ball allegedly at 67,000 mph, the Sun hurtling at 500,000 mph around the Milky Way, and the entire galaxy hurtling through the universe at 670,000,000 mph. These four contradictory motions would make star-trail time-lapses all show irregular curved lines. If Earth were a spinning ball revolving around the Sun it would actually be impossible for star-trail photos to show perfect circles even at the North Pole! Think carefully about the sheer absurdity of this claim being made as “science fact” with absolutely NO concrete proof! The speeds at which the Earth is spinning would render life on Earth IMPOSSIBLE! In fact no movement has ever been detected by any human inquiry particularly in the experiment performed in 1887 by American physicists Albert A. Michelson and Edward W Morley proving no motion!






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