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My Americana



THIS freaked me out and it should you too!!! - Laurie L Theriault

  - 0:57

December 3, 2020 Bezos Needs To Be LYNCHED






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January 1st 2021  

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Category: News



- a year ago  

My Companion mother makes 50 bucks an hour on the PC(Personal PC). She has been out of w0rk for quite some time jh321 however last month her check was 11,500 bucks only w0rking on the PC(Personal PC) for 9 hours per day. For more detail visit this


- a year ago  

My Companion mother makes 50 bucks an hour on the PC(Personal PC). She has been out of w0rk for quite some time vb210 however last month her check was 11,500 bucks only w0rking on the PC(Personal PC) for 9 hours per day. For more detail visit this


- 2 years ago  

The vac has granite in it which receives electric transmission from the 5 g Gwen TOWERS that people think are cell phone towers but they are not 😳😳


- 2 years ago  

This is what happens when you have a machine think for you....Enslavement.


- 2 years ago  

Whoa😮🤯 Just Repent everybody and Stay With The Lord PURIFIED and Follow THE LORD YHWH. His Prophecies must Come to Pass In The Last Days. Famine, Plagues, Woes Mark Of The Beast, Hail, Fire and Ice Is Not For His Children but for Those Who are Sinners and Deny The Blood


- 2 years ago  

Amazon boss, Jeff Bezos is a former wall street banker.


- 2 years ago  

Alexis seems to be working safe and effective I don't see anything wrong, 😂😳😂


- 2 years ago  

What absolute foolishness.


- 2 years ago  

The lazy, the ignorant and the stupid put these things in their homes and into their lives.... It's bad enough with us having our smart phones.


- 2 years ago  

If you hook up your hovel up to Joogle, you're vaxcattle deservëd of slaughter.


- 2 years ago  

The satanists leading the fascist NWO are deeply immersed in the occult and believe that they can neutralize the karmic responsibility for their evil actions if they first tell their victims what they are going to do to them. Based on their occult interpretation of karmic law, if they've openly told us their plans and we do nothing, then by implication we are complicit in their evil, rather than being the victim of it. That's why they routinely and inexplicitly publicize their intentions beforehand, and they use two techniques to make sure it's effective. The first is that their plans usually sound so outrageous that virtually no-one believes them. After all, who (other than those who are already red pilled) would actually believe they're serious when they say: "You will own nothing, and you will be happy"? The second technique is that they've been working on implementing their plans sub-rosa (often for many decades, or even much longer) so that by the time they announce them, they already have the infrastructure in place needed to implement them. That's why they feel so confident about loudly proclaiming "The Great Reset", their plan for implementing a tyrannical one world government. It sounds too outrageous to be taken seriously AND they already have the infrastructure in place to make it happen. Here’s the Truth. Whether you acknowledge it or not, there has been a spiritual war going on between good and evil since the fall in the Garden. For most of history this war has been largely going on in the background. But now that we’re coming to the end of the Age it is rapidly escalating in intensity and it’s increasingly coming out into the open. As much as some of you may wish it to be otherwise, it is IMPOSSIBLE TO REMAIN NEUTRAL IN THIS CONFLICT. You are either ACTIVELY on the side of God, or you are part of the world. Until Christ’s return, the world belongs to Satan, and as long as you remain part of the world, you belong to him. As such, I beg you to choose the right side and sincerely repent your sins, put your faith in Jesus as your Savior, and put your trust in his New Covenant: That his willing sacrifice on the cross provided atonement for your sins and his resurrection three days later permanently defeated death and created the pathway to eternal life in the presence of God. Sincere repentance and accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior are required for entrance through the narrow gate of Salvation. It is the ONLY way to escape standing before his White Throne of Judgement. If you don't understand what any of this means, please immediately seek help and learn what is required of you. Please do it now, because we are nearing the end of the Age, and time is running short. You can only repent and receive Salvation while you are still alive. Once you’re dead, it is too late.


- 2 years ago  

Indeed. An enemy as old as time! The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire and its Babylonian Matrix of control over the Earth Realm until the TRUE Biblical Jesus Christ returns!


- 3 years ago  

I sure never got one. I didn't trust the whole idea in the first place.


- 3 years ago  

Update since I CAN'T delete. Turns out you can program alexa to say anything you want.


- 3 years ago  

No way to know if it's just trolling.