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Pandoras Box



Who can figure out where this picture was taken?

This needs to be brought to our attention. Since we are going through the Ukraine bullshit. Just sharing. I have no clue do you? LOL Fun times. I posted a larger picture too. Who can figure out where these pictures, were taken? Call it a game if you will. This all has to do with fabricated bullshit. Over the years there have been tons of fake things presented to the public. This is just one. You will have to do some hunting and looking. This picture was not taken in Syria. Can anyone figure out, where it was really taken? Have fun figuring it out. A bunch of us use to do stuff, like this all the time. This picture was in the main stream media of course. The funniest one that was found what a guy from Spain, I think it was. Discovered his picture was on the FBI most wanted list. They photo shopped his picture and then used to say he was Bin Laden. He was some pissed off about that one. Go figure eh. We got that one on a silver platter.






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Uploaded 2 years ago  

February 28th 2022  

Category: News



- 2 years ago  

California , download the imagine and zoom on the plate. If you know someone in Cali that works in the motor vehicle department then you can find the owner of it.

Pandoras Box

- 2 years ago  

We thought of that. We contacted media to check it out. We did all sorts of things. Guess what. Crickets. Funny after all of that they remember to remove the plates off of all vehicles. So now if you see that, you also know it is fake. These are the things we have to teach the kids now growing up. They have t learn all the things to look for. So they do not get conned into wars etc. With the tech they have these days things are even worse. Our crew and it was a big crew, went down a lot of rabbit holes digging for shit. Talk about a learning experience. If you have teens get them to look at those pictures and see how fast they can find out what is wrong with that picture or pictures. Can they identify the thing in the back of the truck etc. We have to teach the kids coming up, about stuff like this. Fake video area big thing too. All the Bin Laden ones were fake. And and and. Call it the school of finding fake shit or something like that.

Pandoras Box

- 2 years ago  

Has anyone ever seen the thingy in the truck. The gun thingy. You know make model etc. Might need a war veteran for that one. Anyone go one handy.