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Alarming Research About Vaccine Coming Out

  - 2:15

Alarming Research About Vaccine Coming Out






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Uploaded 2 years ago  

October 5th 2022  

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Category: Health And Wellness



- 2 years ago  

They're busy ramping up proxy wars, food supply issues, financial collapse and climate hysteria hoping these will serve as distractions from excess deaths. Even now, when it's obvious to anyone with two working brain cells that the purpose of the medical tyranny and pharmaceutical corporate racketeering is not only to make obscene profits but also to soften up the resistance of people up and reduce the population. The brainwashing is so effective that that, when it's brought to their attention, it is dismissed because acknowledging the implication of the facts ... is too monstrous to contemplate, would make them appear like fools and maybe, they'd actually have to do something about it. The perpetrators, on the other hand, are more than happy the sheep are going along as usual but are esperately trying to ensure this doesn't get any traction ... because they'd be getting what they deserve and be swinging from the gallows en masse.


- 2 years ago  

You know, schools enforce sociology and history classes, why not Beginnings of Virology ? This would help the whole population to understand the basics of the Human Cell and how intricate and marvelous it is; it would certainly teach you never to experiment with it.


- 2 years ago  

You wouldn't eat foods with GMO in it and yet you'll take a computerize sequence (GMO) injection ? We gotta go after the criminals.


- 2 years ago  

Wonder if he's heard about the DOT owning the patent on the vaxx


- 2 years ago  

Tucker, you gotta understand, it's all a part of the Plan ! If Bourla is right, by next year he expects to giggle like a baby when the population drops by 50%.


- 2 years ago  

VACCINATION cannot even be considered a sanitary procedure because ... In fact, a needle removed from a vaccine vial is wet and when exposed to normal air, even for a few seconds becomes contaminated with the scary airborn "viruses" and "germs" folks are afraid of, that are then injected with the vax prophylaxis fluids and microorganisms into the body ... this is isn't an issue? BSL labs are not used for vaccination...weird isn't it? Vaccination also causes is a physical micro-injury to the skin and other cells allowing for the entry of "germs" and "viruses". The micro-injury tears cells apart, kills them, then the body must create microbes to clean this mess and repair the damaged cells before a possible internal infection sets not risky at all, right? ...


- 2 years ago  

Nothing "alarming" about this for anyone who could READ since the beginning of the #Scamdemic. #NoRefunds 🚫


- 2 years ago  

Agree with the contributor below. This is so monstrous and preposterous that no one can believe it. My precious Mom and Dad fell into this trap because they assume the agencies that are supposed to protect us would in fact protect us. This is a horror movie that became real.


- 2 years ago  

“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.” – J. Edgar Hoover, ex-FBI director on the New World Order conspiracy


- 2 years ago  

You know, the miracle of life is beautiful but very evil at the same time. The reason why Virologists are atheists is because in their years of discovery, they came to the conclusion human beings evolved from viruses billion and billions of years ago; not one ounce of credit do they give to the Lord. If they don't discover a virus that will kill you, don't worry they'll make one. They work for and with Big Pharma to develop all kinds of concoctions that can cure the symptom but afterwards will destroy other organs. Can you see what Warp Speed Vaccine really means ? It'll all lead you to a Eugenics Program called Democide.


- 2 years ago  

There's more, all that plays in, but there's more, there are other species not of this earth, some are interdimensional by nature due to natural elements on their world but not found on this earth, but synthetized first in Russia. Others arrived after the atomic test which reverberated through time and space and disturbed the atmosphere on their world. Every species has an agenda, there are multiple conflicts. Few are aware, fewer have any say on this. It would seem humans are about to be eradicated for the most part. If I hadn't seen it first hand, I would be speaking everything you said. But I can't unsee it, there were 5 of us, we saw their presence. I can only say I'm a witness. Twice.