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  - 21:56

Trump certainly has to bear some of the blame for the alarming number of deaths and injuries related to the Covid vaccine, and his warp speed operation, skipping safety medical norms, really a rushed botched up job at developing it, all for a virus less dangerous then the regular seasonal flu. At the very best, Trump was never a medical expert, and was poorly advised, and manipulated like a gullible 5-year-old, into this whole exaggerated Covid crisis, pushed even farther with fear mongering panic hysteria from the Fake News Industrial Complex, and also allowing dictator style corrupt state governors and city mayors to ignore the people's constitutional and even basic human rights and bodily independence, with all these shutdowns and preventing people to work to feed their family. Trump should have seen it coming, with many folks at the time exposing the hoax, even Doctors, who ended up being ignore by the president, and getting banned on social media; Trump should have put an end with those state and city shutdowns, with stiff penalties and arrests if necessary, for any politicians and businesses going against constitutional rights. Also, fake news networks should have been criminally charged for their treason, and intentionally misleading the population, and encouraging a huge panic hysteria, with false numbers from unreliable tests and fraudulent death certificates, many later revised, when investigators started to verify real causes of deaths. Once you get off the naive left versus right narrative, and the usual political bandwagon fanaticism, for people, the choice is very clear, between trusting your own God given natural immunity system with a 99.7% success rate against Covid-19, or an experimental, very dangerous vaccine with only an alleged 95% success rate... (More text whee allowed) #CovidVaccine #Covid19 #Qanon #CovidDeaths #CovidVaccineWarning #CovidVaccineDanger #CovidTest #Pandemic #FaceMasks #CovidHoax






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June 14th 2021  

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Category: News



- 2 years ago  

FDA hasn't approved it yet and wont either. Everyone is lieing.


- 3 years ago  

Yeah, I don’t get it either. The only way I see this as plausible is that the world would have been in complete and utter shut down for who knows how many years, and the destruction of society as we know it would have been complete....I mean complete. It is still “experimental” and therefore a person has recourse to “opt” out at this point even though there are some tough choices. Fear is never a good guide and so many (my family included) did not stop to think, but bought lock stock and barrel into fear even though from the beginning there was evidence to show the survival rate was massive and the preventatives were accessible. People have to think for themselves and quit blaming others for their ignorance. It’s part of the wake up. It’s tough, it’s ‘not fair’, but what in life is? Eve could have told the serpent to go take a hike....she didn’t. Look where we are now.......Just sayin.


- 3 years ago  

HeirCheeto is who paved the way for his partners in the drug industry to profit without liability! If a person opens a lemonade stand to sell drinks to the public, he/she is for ed to have liability insurance ... This is all part of the plan, zero liability, maximum profit, maximum death and permanent damage


- 3 years ago  

Trump's daughter Ivanka was still recently promoting the vaccine like it's the best thing in the world, totally ignoring more than 4000 Covid vaccine deaths in the US alone, and many more injuries, which should be scandalizing them; What planet are they living on to be so nonchalantly disconnected from reality? Economically, I supported Trump, but when Trump started to push for weapons sales to the dictatorship of Saudi Arabia, who he had previously said might have played a role in 9/11, and her daughter Ivanka taking $100 million from them for her foundation, that I was very much against, as it was no better than Hillary and the Clinton Foundation pay-to-play racket. Trump advocated for other treatments and was attacked for it, at least he did that; But WHAT is UP with this TOXIC COVID VACCINE pushing coming from HIM and his DAUGHTER Ivanka these days, is this a question of the Trump family deeply financially invested in BIG PHARMA and turning into VACCINE PUSHERS as all cost.


- 3 years ago  

...not mentioning the risk of real vaccine injuries for life, and an alarming number of deaths, surpassing the deaths of all other combined vaccines in the last 15 years. Trump, along with Biden both have a responsibility with the Covid crisis, along with the rest of the Democrats and Republicans, playing politics and exaggerating things for points, and really playing with people's health. Personally, I suspect that like Big Tech, Big Pharma also donates to all parties and politicians, not mentioning many having personal financial investments with them as well, to continue their profitable racket and medical tyranny, while trying to control and quarantine us all on demand, suspending even constitutional rights, and using us for their experiments, as their test guinea pigs.