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Testament of Matthew Matthew 24 1. And Eashoa left the temple to go, and his disciples came to show him the temple building. 2. He told them, however, "Behold, do you not see all these? Amen, I am telling you, Not one stone thus shall remain upon another without it being unraveled." 3. And as Eashoa sat on the mountain, there came to him his disciples, and they were saying amongst themselves and to him "Tell us when will these things occur? And what is the sign that will reveal it to us and end the world?" 4. Eashoa replied and told them, "Beware that no one mislead you. 5. "For many will come in my name, saying that I am the M'Sheekhah, and many will be misled. 6. "You are destined to hear of hostilities and about wars. Look, do not be confused, and since not everything happens, except this is not yet the end. 7. "For a nation shall rise against nation and kingdoms against kingdoms, And there will be famines and genocide and earthquakes in place after place. 8. "These are the beginnings of the labor pains. 9. "Then they will deliver you to tribulations and they will kill you, And you will be hated by all nations because of my name. 10. "Then many will blaspheme and will hate one another, and betray one another. 11. "And many false prophets will arise, and will mislead many. 12. "And because of the great abomination, the love of many will be blown away. 13. "Whoever maintains hope until the end, shall Live. 14. "And this hope of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the universe, As testimony for all nations, and then the end shall come. 15. "When you see then the signs of corrupting desolation, that was spoken of by the prophet Daniel, Standing in the holy place, let the reader learn, 16. "Then those that are in Judea, will run to the mountain. 17. "And whoever is on the roof, will not get down to secure his house. 18. "And whoever is in the field, will not return to take on his clothing. 19. "Woe, then to those with child and those who are suckling in those days.






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