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Putin's mRNA shots contains eggs from the Killer Octopus of Lake Vostok (Boctok) Organism 46-B the behemoth of the great deep the red dragon

You have been injected with nephilim eggs that hatch and grow inside of you. This was uncovered by Polish Dr. Franc Zalewski here THE THING That's demon eggs, and they are dropped overhead also in rain, snow, cloudbursts, chemtrails (geo-engineering). Active daily repentance in the name of Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene is the way to overcome this predicament, praying before all things. Babylon is falling Revelation chapter 18     1. After these I saw another angel who came down from heaven, who has great authority, and the earth glowed with his glory.     2. And he cried out in a powerful voice, as he said,             "There she falls!             There she falls!             Babylon the Great!             The dwelling place of demons,*             And the haunt* of every evil spirit             And of every flying and hated spirit,*             And of every filthy and hated demon.             3. "For of the wine of her ferment             ...drank all the nations,             And the kings of the earth             ...fornicated with her,             And the merchants of the earth,             ...from the strength             Of her inner [frills*],             ...became rich."     4. And I heard another voice from heaven that said,             "Flee* from her, my people,    as not to be a partaker*             ......of her sins.             And from her punishments*             ...that you may not be             ......a recipient*.             5. "For her sins have             ...stacked up to heaven,             And Allaha has recalled             ...her abominations.             6. "So*, pay her as she paid out,             ...and repay* her double    her works,             Of the cup that she mixed for you,             ...mix her a double [portion.]             7. "How she swaggers in her gait,*             ...all these shall give her             ......pain and grief,      






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February 9th 2023  

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