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China Must Lead New World Order! - George Soros and Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum

  - 7:31

Sourced of - The People's Voice - World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab has praised China as a model for the transformation of the world during an appearance on Chinese television. Schwab was speaking to Tian Wei, the host of the “World Insight” program on the Beijing-based China Global Television Network, about the recent G20 summit in Bali, Indonesia. Asked about the outcome of the summit – which included agreement on policy priorities, such as “tackling climate change” – Schwab ordered the elected world leaders to go even further. “We have to have a strategic mood,” he said, “We have to construct the world of tomorrow. It’s a systemic transformation of the world.” The leaders, he said, must “define” what the world “should look like” after “this transformation period.” Schwab’s praise for China echoes words uttered by George Soros during an interview with the Financial Times. George Soros laid out the global elites’ plan for ushering in what he called “a New World Order” during the interview. According to Soros, China must lead this New World Order, “creating it and owning it,” in the same way the United States “owns the current order. It just goes to show that the elite have never really hidden what they’re doing. They just reveal it in dry interviews and barely readable policy papers while the public is distracted by an emotionally charged, easily understood “good guy” versus “bad guy” fairy tale. According to this fairy tale, which is offered by both the mainstream media and the overwhelming majority of alternative media sources, the US is in conflict with Russia, while a determined band of freedom fighting nations (the BRICS) are on a quest to free themselves from the evils of Western imperialism once and for all. Both the Western powers and the BRICS nations are working closely together through the G20 to bring in the Central Banking Cabal’s New World Order.






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