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Tony HellerPLUS



James Melville - “FEMA contacted me to ask me to change the cause of death to Covid so that they could help me financially.” ~ Ernest Ramirez His 16 year-old son died five days after receiving the Pfizer Covid vaccine.

  - 2:00

Originally uploaded to by James Melville “FEMA contacted me to ask me to change the cause of death to Covid so that they could help me financially.” ~ Ernest Ramirez His 16 year-old son died five days after receiving the Pfizer Covid vaccine.






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Uploaded a year ago  

January 14th 2023  

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- a year ago  

Hunt down and exterminate the globalist elitists who knowingly perpetrated this catastrophe on the ppl of the world.


- a year ago  

Interesting to me since the 1800’s the world’s population has doubled 3 times. Prior to the 1830’s the world’s population never exceeded 1 billion. 1830’s - 1 billion worldwide 1930’s - 2 billion worldwide (1st doubling took 100 years) 1960’s - 3 billion worldwide 1980’s - 4 billion worldwide (2nd doubling took 50 years) 2023 - 8 billion worldwide (3rd doubling took 40 years) 2050’s that means the 4th doubling or 16 billion worldwide may occur. In Romania 14th century Vlad the Impaler felt there was too many poor people, so he invited all the poor citizens to a large banquet in a castle, when they arrived he shut the doors and burned them all until dead. ————- Don’t accept any invitations to free banquets is the moral of the story or get vax’ed and boosted?


- a year ago  

Wow, powerful story


- a year ago  

I agree. Sounds crazy, but like the commenter below, it appears we have lost our ability to think objectively. My guess, this is spiritual. I think those who are not sealed by Christ, are wide open to any delusional lie.


- a year ago  

Echoes of the beginning. Millions are dead, billions will die, it's a soft kill 5th generation warfare. The deep state contractors are doing this, and Trump fell because he didn't pull the trigger when he had them in the cross hairs. Now he's been assimilated, he's a Borg.


- a year ago  

Meanwhile, all the automatons who read the NYT or listen to NPR, if perchance they see anything like this, their face goes blank, their eyes focus out, they give out perhaps a ghost of a shadow of something resembling discomfort and confusion, then say, "It doesn't look like anything to me?" like Delores in Westworld. Then there are the ones who just get angry and start talking about Donald Trump.


- a year ago  

We are as cattle to the cabal pushing all this tyranny, just cash cows to be exploited or herded to death as suits their malign purpose. It's way beyond wake up time ... the cull of useless eaters has begun in earnest.


- a year ago  

Do the right thing? The right thing is to think, and not do it if the evidence is overwhelming.


- a year ago  

What's to be done in a world where so many have lost the ability to think? Evidence does not matter. They can not process anything that goes against what they already believe, and they believe what they are told by those they have been programmed to trust. At what point will mutually exclusive contradictory statements by the "trusted information givers" break people, because it's becoming obvious that it will not wake them up. (This is observed in the majority of people, not just one political faction or another… Really, anyone who isn't open to questioning everything. The true scientists.)


- a year ago  
