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Tony HellerPLUS



Extraordinary Claims

  - 7:31

Barack Obama spent eight years fear mongering about sea level rise, shortly before he purchased $30 million worth of beachfront mansions.






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June 5th 2023  

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- a year ago  

97% of $cientists are agreeing to man-made lies regarding anthropocentric catastrophic climate change. One scientist debunks them all. <3 Thank God for Tony Heller!!! <3


- a year ago  

Oh, remember when Obama said, “ You can keep your doctor and keep your plan” (28) times over a couple years and said “Oh, I’m sorry” when the truth came out. How about when a search for the Antifa website and ended up at “Joe Biden” website - both of these clowns are idiots and about as corrupt as any democrat can be in 2023. Corruption runs wild with the democrats.


- a year ago  

We were explicitly told in Denmark: The weather the will be warmer and more wet. Now we are in a severe drought. In 2018 we also had a drought, so big noone was in doubt about it. I would say that when the expert bastards say wetter, it can't just as well be dryer. But they will say: We ment in 50 years. Or year 2100. So caring are we.


- a year ago  

Sloppy work by Winston Smith.


- a year ago  

Global warming hysteria is 100% manmade and consensus junk science. Watching that clip of Obama at the very end of Tony’s video made me think I was watching a modern day Joseph Goebbels. To borrow the commenters line below, “ They don't see themselves as having the solution, they see themselves AS the solution.” Reminds me of the goose stepping 1930’s “Final Solution” and for those who disagree? First ostracized, then imprisoned and last death camps. Obama, his protege Biden (a Goering type) and worse are Obama mindless goose stepping weather consensus followers, who enable this madness, all are evil beyond repair.


- a year ago  

Outstanding! I wondered where that 97% came from.


- a year ago  

On 'disinformation' - if it can't be questioned, it isn't science. We therefore know there is no science in AGW, because all discussion is suppressed.


- a year ago  

Obama's statement closing this video clip traversed the swamps of narcissism, and dived as deep into psychopathy as any political rhetoric I have heard in my lifetime. And yet, in his exuberance he actually revealed the central activating core of the left, an unbridled faith in their own righteousness. They don't see themselves as having the solution, they see themselves AS the solution. That also explains the left's weird Trump derangement syndrome - he's not merely a political opponent in their cosmogony, but Satan himself.