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Tony HellerPLUS



Robert F. Kennedy Jr - Medical science experts from Harvard, Johns Hopkins, and Stanford testifying before Congress: “The greatest perpetrator of misinformation during the pandemic has been the United States government.”

  - 2:13

Originally uploaded to by Robert F. Kennedy Jr Medical science experts from Harvard, Johns Hopkins, and Stanford testifying before Congress: “The greatest perpetrator of misinformation during the pandemic has been the United States government.”






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Uploaded a year ago  

March 2nd 2023  

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- a year ago  

Who thinks our government is not trying to kill us? Raise your hand. How stupid can we continue to be with the facts now presented. This vindicates those who chose wisely not to vaccinate despite ugly pressures. Shame on those who tried to inflict said pressure. Take a hard look at 5G. This is what they were furiously installing while we were distracted with Covid 19. Wake the @#$% up!


- a year ago  

Surely this is the killing of body, mind and soul of everybody, who can't or will not understand the agenda behind all the deceptions. It's very, very sad...


- a year ago  

Spot on, the truth?


- a year ago  

This guy is right on. I bet he thinks we're in a climate crisis though.


- a year ago  

Atheists are abound, they even act sensible and intelligent, but inwardly they're raging wolves. The Lord gave me training as a child to watch out for Atheists, while many are being tricked into death. There is nothing in any KJV Bible that declares you are to take vaccine to prevent any infection, and there is absolutely no proof a vaccine has ever worked; not even Dr. Edward Jenner's experiment with Smallpox by using Cowpox. It's sad to watch people yell, "I've been saved by the blood of Jesus !" And then run to their doctor to get an mRNA vaccine, it's ridiculous ! Johns Hopkins was in on it too ! I've got documents (without their logo) proving they authorized the use of herbals to head-off adverse reactions from the Moderna mRNA shot, get real ! They were all dipping their hands in the PPP, PRF, ARP, & PFS monies for their establishments. I've got a friend who's dead because of the false PCR which threw him into ICU and then suffered the Remdesivir protocol, they didn't realize he had a J & J shot previously. It's corrupt as Hell ! Don't worry, before long those facilities will turn into slaughter houses for allowing this virological abuse against mankind, watch.


- a year ago  

His statement that other vaccines are necessary is complete BS. See a presentation that used to be available on YouTube but is no longer there but can be found through an internet search of Dr Raymond Obamsawin in which he clearly demonstrated that childhood vaccines do not prevent infection and they certainly did not lead to the elimination of childhood infections but instead were introduced long after the incidence of those infections had decreased by some 80% to 90%. He also shows that in isolated epidemics it was overwhelmingly the vaccinated children that were ill. There are now doctors currently coming out that are collecting large data samples on their vaccinated and unvaccinated child patients that clearly show children that are unvaccinated do much better with regard to healthy outcomes. This information of course is being suppressed by the American Medical Association and various Health bodies licensing such doctors. I saw a video in which Dr Sherry Tenpenny was asked how much education on vaccines doctors actually receive in medical school, and her reply was maybe half a day. That response implies the only thing doctors are told is the existence of vaccines, that vaccines work, and to tell everybody to get their children vaccinated. Clearly, their education is not data driven because no such data exists. Essentially, this means that doctors are simply being told from generation to generation something that has never been proven.


- a year ago  

What the whole ordeal over sars-cov2 and the government & institutional lying that this guy is talking about SHOULD have done, is cause all intelligent people to question EVERYTHING. It was very disappointing to hear him say "people aren't getting the childhood vaccines they need to get". Why is he so sure that they are necessary? Is it something he takes for granted and hasn't even considered looking into? Probably.


- a year ago  

The only real question is whether it was racketeering or deliberate genocide.

All is for YOUR Glory

- a year ago  

Just like we knew. This is much bigger than it appears. This has been going on since the garden.


- a year ago  
