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Tony HellerPLUS



RNC Research - Biden's brain malfunctions in real time as the audience laughs out loud

  - 0:29

Originally uploaded to by RNC Research Biden's brain malfunctions in real time as the audience laughs out loud






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Uploaded a year ago  

June 16th 2023  

File Size: 3 MB



- a year ago  

Right, and braindead basement O'Biden got 81 million votes. Sigh...


- a year ago  

Blue City Intellectually educated Democrats are the majority now in America. Their universities have taught them that all US Industry pollutes. They even demonized an inert gas that plants use to thrive and the more of it that exists plants and trees not only thrive but actually life explodes the more and more worldwide CO2 exists. ————- The DNC Democrats want to go NETZERO and their DNC voters running the EPA are hell bent to close all CO2 producing US Industries using any fuel derived from the ground. ————— China today outputs more CO2 than the US, UK and EU combined. Last year’s 2022 China to US trade surplus reported by the FEDS was over 700 billion, the CCP reported it was 820 billion. ————- DNC intellectuals running America want to close down all polluting American Industries and only want to win elections to run up bigger and bigger deficits. Actually on that score the UNIPARTY DNC and RNC are in lockstep running up deficits. —————- It is insane that these DNC voters at the EPA are allowed to ban vehicles and trucks using fuel derived from the ground by 2035 and trucks by 2040. This is nothing but a power grab to destroy hard working conservatives jobs working in construction, trucking, mining, farming and conservative jobs producing these fuels. Why is it only the DNC that wants to end good paying jobs that mostly employ conservatives? They want to impoverish conservatives and their hope in doing so, is to then win more elections. The DNC politicians are the bane of America and are hell bent to destroy conservatives by destroying industries that employ conservative Americans but in the end the DNC will destroy all working families both conservative and liberal families. —————- The byproduct of the DNC ending all fuels derived from the ground are more and more homeless, starting more so in their Blue Cities in their Blue States but eventually by using the EPA FEDS they will destroy even industries in Red States employing conservatives and eventually all of America. —————. The End is near and it’s not the silly nonsense that the weather is going to both drown us and incinerate the planet. Our so called brightest urban and suburban university educated Democratic intellectuals will be the ones feverishly nailing the nails into the coffin of the American dream and empire. Massive deficits loom and on top of that these same DNC court jesters are picking a fight with the Russian people and WW3 looms.


- a year ago  

That's one outstanding actor under that mask.