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Tony HellerPLUS



Feeding The World By Starving It

  - 6:33

Western governments have determined that reducing the food supply is necessary to increase the food supply. The Mad Hatter appears to be in charge of the west.






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June 1st 2023  

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- a year ago  

The climate scam is failing, the public is wise to plandemics, so the elites need a new global crisis. Famine seems to be a good one. Unfortunately, farmers are extremely efficient and the prospect of famine through natural causes is diminishing, so it must be created artificially. This is not stupidity, it is pure evil.


- a year ago  

Lerch has spoken.


- a year ago  

The lunatics are in charge of the asylum.


- a year ago  

The life expectancy "doubling" is kind of misleading. It is a mathematical average of expected longevity, at birth. If every adult lived to 80, but there was 50% childhood/infant mortality, the chart would show "life expectancy" to be 40. --------- Not many children (or mothers) die during birthing anymore, and we have the technology to keep premature babies alive. Antibiotics and inoculations for childhood diseases now keep most children alive. What are the long term multi-generational effects from saving all the humans who are susceptible to illness & disease? There must be positive effects from going through symptomatic disease rather than getting an inoculation and "cheating".


- a year ago  

All this nonsense about global warming incinerating the planet is misdirection and really about controlling and stopping the adding a new billion in humans ever decade since the 1970’s. There was 3 billion humans in the 1970’s and in the 2020’s today 8 billion humans worldwide. That is 5 billion humans added in 50 years, do the math 50/5, that is a new billion in humans worldwide every decade since the 1970’s. Until the early 1800’s there had never been a billion humans on planet earth and today we are adding a new billion humans worldwide every decade. John Kerry is a modern day billionaire who wants to become like Adolf the goose stepping artist of Germany but on steroids, killing not 100 million like Adolf worldwide but 1,000 million by 2030. Does anyone after reading this not think WW3 is soon to be unleashed on all of us? Be sure of one thing, it will be the collective West and its crusading LGBTQ politicians and billionaires that will start nuking first!!!


- a year ago  

World full of IDIOTS. These Marxists need to be put on an island somewhere. Kerry is a total fool


- a year ago  

Karl Marx has nothing to do with what is going on here. Don't fall for the sloaganeering.


- a year ago  

We are not dealing with Marxism, but with pure concentrated evil.


- a year ago  

Tony, do you have a source for the quote you gave from Henry Kissinger? Not that I don't believe it because it is entirely in keeping with Henry Kissinger's mind, but I have seen this fact checked by Facebook and deleted from posts because they claim he never said it. It would be nice to include a source so they can't do a fact check to delete a post with that quote in it.


- a year ago  

Idiots presently control the levers of government