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The Invisible College: 911 To Armageddon - William Stuart

  - 1:26:03

William Stuart explores the darkest regions of our planet. He states that a strain of the Knights Templar had intervened to ensure that the American War of Independence, French Revolution, American Civil War, Russian Revolution, WW1 and WW2 took place. When the Russian Revolution, heavy with Templar Masonry, began to fail because the "peasant farmers" remained loyal to their Tsar, Rothschild, Khun Loeb, Warburg, J. P. Morgan, Rockefeller, Fabian Society Round Table and the American International Company stepped forward to apply direct funding to cover up the failure. The Templars were controlled by American finance, and such financiers took orders from Geneva. William unearthed the eerie fact that this organization had designed 7 strategic wars as a blueprint for financial gain and New World Order in 1710. They matched their 7 wars to the "breaking of 7 seals" in the Book of Revelation, and were also all initiated into Red Masonry called Armageddon Masonry, using verses from that last book of the Bible. William Stuart explores the trail of destruction and manipulation by the banking cabals and military-industrial complex, linked by a network of "Armageddon Masonry" lodges. He demonstrates how 9/11 reflected a Masonic ritual described by Albert Pike as the beginning of WW3 and represented the breaking open of the seventh and final seal from the book of Revelations that would lead to a clash of civilizations, and ultimately a one world government. There is a vast amount of information, joining the dots from Fondo banking dynasties in 7th century Venice, later found in Switzerland, Germany and onto the Netherlands, Britain and USA. And their interference in world affairs from the Crusades, the Bolsheviks, and Muslim Brotherhood.






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October 24th 2022  

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Category: How To & Education

1 Comment


- 2 years ago  

On Point! Bless 🙏🏻Your Heart You Post Critical Things The Sheeple know Nothing about. Will Share.