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Artificial Intelligence And CBDC Is Here To Destroy Humanity FOREVER

  - 12:32

Uploaded for For many decades the Royal western elite have used brain chips in the subjects that their secret lodges / the orders of death own in order to control them. These subjects are known as "manchurian candidates" and have been ALL around us for the last 50 years in the form of presidents, "lone gunmen" who kill presidents and others, diplomats, corporate leaders, terrorists, professors and so on and on. Now in 2023 Elon Musk got the PUBLIC version of this system approved in order to get rid of humanity, in his own words. What WILL happen now, if you do NOT resist, is the FACT that WHEN the entire world economy is destroyed in a VERY short time from now, months or years at the top, you WILL be forced on to the new world orders death list in the form of their digital CBDC "universal income" for EVERYONE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD, and the ONLY way you will be able to live a little while longer inside this A.I. system is if you get the brain chip and worship UN's new Gaia religion of death with God being A.I. We are a long way from IBM's death codes during world war 2, and this is MUCH more scary. REMEMBER THEIR CYCLES OF 2150 YEARS, WE LIVE IN THEIR END TIME, THE CHECK SUM OF THE CHIP IS 6-6-6 - THE PATENTS ARE 06 06 06 - THIS IS NOT GOD, THIS IS NOT PROPHECY, THIS IS ROYAL FREEMASONIC EVIL - PERIOD !!! Website: PLEASE SHARE ---






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Uploaded a year ago  

May 28th 2023  

File Size: 248 MB

Category: Technology & Science

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