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Tony HellerPLUS



MRCTV - NYC police forced a mom and her crying child to leave a restaurant because they didn't have a vaccine passport.

  - 1:55

Originally uploaded to by MRCTV NYC police forced a mom and her crying child to leave a restaurant because they didn't have a vaccine passport.






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Uploaded a year ago  

March 14th 2023  

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- a year ago  

This is what happens in a society where the people have been chugging fluoride for 70 years.


- a year ago  

If a human being takes captives, by captivity he is taken. Those who live by the sword shall die by the sword. Those who rejected Me the Light of the universe failing to submit to My will only as commanded to do and reminded six years ago and TOLD TO DO the past six years since My Trumpet sounded and shook the entire earth, AND IT WAS DEAFENING, will also die by the sword for battering Me their Father. You reap what you sow, wicked assholes! Amen.


- a year ago  

Damn good thing they devoted half the precinct to this call. NYC is one of the safest Cities the Democrats run. Hell it's not even in the top 10 of violent crime cities. I can sleep better at night now and I live in L.A. I can't wait until this crap starts here.


- a year ago  

This behavior has left a permanent stain on humanity. After all the testing of malfeasant ideologies and wars of the 20th century, we can be so stupid as apply the worst of ourselves to a mother and a child having a meal with friends. Was it worth your salary and your pension? You seared your conscience for it. You are no longer human for it, if you ever were.


- a year ago  

The only way this leaves a permanent stain is if we don't do something about it. When the rest of you figure out that our forefathers left us a 2ND alternative to the discarded US Constitution then we will solve this and all the other problems associated with tyranny.


- a year ago  

Disturbed, It was about the vax passports, the control measures used by the left to control lives and incentivize getting the shots for the wrong reasons. Many of us knew the vax was bogus. This had to be 2021, that is when the emergency use authorization was granted by the FDA for the clot shots and the criminal governors and mayors imposed the rules. Did the police betray us? Far too many did. They were working towards promotion and retirement - the American Dream. Besides, they had to get the shots to keep their jobs, so they believed they were saving lives. No excuse, just that the powers-that-be knew how to tighten the screws of tyranny.


- a year ago  

Was this filmed in 2020, before we knew the "vaccine" did not offer immunity nor stop transmission?


- a year ago  

What difference does the date make? We knew the vaccine was not a vaccine from the get go. If you thought otherwise you are retarded.


- a year ago  

Reason alone was enough to be cautious about a new vaccine ready in less than a year, manipulation of mRNA for decades notwithstanding, the combination of which makes the vaccine new and the trials too short. Secondly, strange death reports started coming out immediately. Prosecution immunity should also have been another reason to be cautious. There was plenty in 2020 to suggest this was a rushed job, and potentially dangerous, including the fact that by March, data was already available showing that COVID-19 was not as deadly as the London Imperial College Neil Ferguson had predicted.


- a year ago  

Before who? Speak for yourself, I knew from about April 2020 before the vaccine ever existed that we didn't need it. How did I know this and that natural immunity was the best way to go and you didn't? I'm not admonishing you, I'm asking a question. I caught it in May 2020, I never feared it, I was glad I got it and was done with it. I knew the next day after So Africa released the first information about the Omicron that it was milder and more contagious meaning it would over take previous variants and be make the failed vaccine even more useless. You and many have to learn a lesson that I learned on May 4, 1970 a few days before I turned 14. If you don't know the date and what happened please look it up and understand one thing. You can never trust the US government completely. Because they WILL shoot the F out of any of us.


- a year ago  

how could you have been sooooooooo gullible? THINK,,,, for yourself! Learn from your outrageous sheep-like behavior. Why were you so brain dead?