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Tony HellerPLUS



Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 - Today’s Democratic Party has led us to the brink of nuclear war. The party is led by cowardly warmongers who are firmly in the grips of the military industrial complex, and don’t know or care about the cost of war, or who pays the price.

  - 2:08

Originally uploaded to by Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 Today’s Democratic Party has led us to the brink of nuclear war. The party is led by cowardly warmongers who are firmly in the grips of the military industrial complex, and don’t know or care about the cost of war, or who pays the price.






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Uploaded a year ago  

June 20th 2023  

File Size: 8 MB



- a year ago  

A house divided against itself cannot stand. - Abraham Lincoln ————— DNC war on RNC by ending fuel extracted from the ground, has divided the country against itself and it cannot stand. ————— Without life saving fuel extracted from the ground (Mother Earth), America will fail and fall. ————- Russia and China’s economies are built on extracting fuel from the ground and the DNC are hell bent to end these economies. America will fail. ————- With half of Americans disenfranchised by the DNC, DNC’s EPA Green America is nothing but a religious cult and has created a house divided against itself. ————— I’m free to believe we are a land of opportunity, that America has untold wealth under our feet but the DNC DC Elite say NO! Already even I cannot buy a gas, diesel or even a Hybrid vehicle or truck in California after 2035 or 2040. What’s next all of America? Yes! ————- We are a nation divided against itself and Yes, we cannot stand.


- a year ago  

I'm pretty sure Putin knows where their bunkers are, and the cross wires are on them. When they go into their bunkers, there may be enough time to turn up with a cement mixer and seal the bastards in.


- a year ago  

So, is Tulsi running third party, or is she vying for a VP seat with either Trump or RFK?