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Tony HellerPLUS



Covid Sport - Dr Robert Redfield former CDC executive pointing the finger of Covid origins at gain of function research. His opinion did not fit "their narrative" Sounds like science is no longer open to debate

  - 3:25

Originally uploaded to by Covid Sport Dr Robert Redfield former CDC executive pointing the finger of Covid origins at gain of function research. His opinion did not fit "their narrative" Sounds like science is no longer open to debate






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Uploaded a year ago  

March 10th 2023  

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1 Comment


- a year ago  

Most of the illusion illness is nonsense on both sides: 1. A misuse of PCR | It's not a test and not a medical tool | It's not Gold Standard approved | The PCR can't determine if you're sick or not, meaning by any illness, as it's not the purpose of the invention by Kary Mullins. | 2. No, meaning NO "VIRUS" has been proven to exist and the theory of "viruses" causing illnesses is a delusion. Clinical trials in the 1918 "pandemic", showed no evidence of transmission of any "virus" and nobody got sick, which surprised doctors at the time of the trials. People got sick of stress(WW1), malnutrition, a lot of Injections and all kinds of chemicals was used in the time of these Injections, bad sewerage systems, poor water supply, bad sanitary conditions, etc. The same outbreaks of illnesses is seen other places, when all these things comes together. 3. Virology is still not science, but purely moron interpretations based on Robert Koch and Louis Pasteur fantasies and later on Luc Montagnier(the AIDS hoax)et al. People who believed that illnesses was caused by "viruses", decades before Electron Microscopy was available. Snot, sore throat, fever is the body fighting toxins and has nothing to do with "virus" particles, but many illnesses is caused by man-made produced "vaccines".