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Tony HellerPLUS



Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 - There is a spiritual vacuum in this country that no mandate or prescription drug can fix. If we continue to ignore this erosion of spiritual values, our problems will continue to morph and perpetuate unhappiness, suffering, and despair.

  - 1:29

Originally uploaded to by Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 There is a spiritual vacuum in this country that no mandate or prescription drug can fix. If we continue to ignore this erosion of spiritual values, our problems will continue to morph and perpetuate unhappiness, suffering, and despair.






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December 22nd 2022  

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- a year ago  

On this Christmas Day all I have to say is how far and quickly has this once great nation fallen into wickedness. ————- We have few left leading this once great nation that truly have God in their heart and who have not fallen in grace. ————- Ukraine will be our undoing but it will not be Russia that initiates our end but those lost souls behind the secretive halls of human fallen power in DC, who have fallen into disrepute in the eyes of God. ————— Yet the American sheeple will still not look for salvation but like those worshiping pagan things when Moses came down from the mount with God’s 10 Commandments, they will be permanently lost in the wilderness. ————— For those few still holding true to God, stay observant and true to his almighty promise of spiritual salvation, because nuclear Armageddon is coming from our own American president and his administration to the world, followed by a land war of unparalleled war and destruction. ————- She is right.


- a year ago  

In the late 60's John Calhoun started conducting social experiments with mice & rats. He'd introduce a small population to a large enclosure, provide them will all the food & nesting materials they needed and let them go nuts. Their population would quickly explode, but then their behavior would start to change. The males would stop defending their territory/women mice from other males, females would start abandoning their young, the males would start compulsive preening behavior, and they'd all start getting violent with others. The populations would stop growing, and eventually they would completely die off, even though they had all the food they needed and had no diseases. ----- It's not a lack of "spiritual values" per se, it is that we have lost the need to have meaningful struggle or competition in our lives. Working at a mind-numbing job so that a few owners can get even richer, all by extracting money from others by making some product or providing a service that they only need because of the results of multi generational ad campaigns, is not spiritually fulfilling, but it is what the majority of people base their lives around. Hunter gatherers are the happiest people in the world. This guy gets it right in this post:


- a year ago  

She is correct.