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Tony HellerPLUS



Earth's Expiration Date

  - 10:35

The global warming scam is now in its third century.






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March 18th 2023  

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- a year ago  

We are closing in for a no return of total stupidity! The climate nonsense goes on and on and will probably never end!


- a year ago  

The Carbon-Commies are just as nutty as the Flat Earthers! We are surrounded by dumb!


- a year ago  

I'm pleased to see Stephen Hawking mentioned. What hope is there when one of the world's famous scientists believe in nonsense? How easy it is for Gore to lie to people but how difficult it is to convince people they have been lied to. When are the masses going to wake up to the wrong predictions?


- a year ago  



- a year ago  

The world's plant life is loving all the extra food. The world's plants thank you, humans, for saving them from starving to death.


- a year ago  

When AOC at timeline 0:35 says the world is going to end in 12 years in 2019, the crowd erupted in applause. Half the country seems afflicted with believing any thing they are told by our government controlled media without questioning it. Why is that? ———— Since 1900 there is no natural selection in the West. With 99 out of 100 babies today living to adulthood to breed, it’s starting to work in reverse. Up to 1900, 5 out of 10 children died by 10, to never live to adulthood and breed. The strong babies survived and weak babies by natural selection perished. ————- People today aren’t becoming smarter and more competent. They’ve become dumber to the point a small majority voted for Biden. ————- Biden as president left Afghanistan overnight with zero planning, sent 100+ billion to Ukraine to fight the #1 nuclear power Russia and is so close to starting WW3 that the nuclear Armageddon clock was reset to 15 seconds to midnight. ————- Biden bailed out only one bank so far but all of the depositors. The FDIC is only required to insure bank accounts up to $250,000 and no more. The FDIC only has maybe 150 to 200 billion in funds to insure deposits up to $250,000 but Biden insures all deposits in Stupid Valley Bank (SVG). This will cost nearly 100 billion. Not much left to bail out the predicted dozen or two dozen banks that will go belly up in the very near future. ————- This is the same president who said he wants to end all fossil fuels use and end gas and diesel vehicles and trucks by 2035 to 2050. You can’t fix stupid and to add insult to injury, the government mainstream media is still pushing the outrageous notion that Biden is doing a magnificent job as president. 😵‍💫 ————- Until I watched Tony Heller’s YouTube channel I was perplexed about Gore’s global warming claims. I remember in the 1990’s Gore predicting the planet would burn up and melt the poles along with Greenland by the 2000’s then again he predicted it would occur or be ice free in maybe 2014. Florida would soon be mostly under water as the oceans would rise up several feet due to all this melting pole ice and Greenland ice. It didn’t happen as pointed out by Tony Heller. ————— Manmade CO2 worldwide is still skyrocketing up as Tony Heller points out but the planet isn’t heating up, if anything it’s cooling, adding ice not melting ice in the poles and Greenland. Florida’s coastline hasn’t really budged in my lifetime. ————- China, India and the SE or Asia is today’s cause of most manmade CO2 worldwide CO2 increase, America and Europe not so much anymore due to trillions spent killing off our fossil fuels use. ————- The collective West is nearly bankrupt yet the near 50% who live because there is no natural selection anymore with their maladaptive DNA, which effects 80% of these sentient peoples brain power and cognitive abilities on how they think, are clapping when AOC speaks. ———- In this majority takes all democracy, this stupid majority will doom this once great nation not to meritocracy but like the 2006 movie to Idiocracy. ————— This science fiction movie Idiocracy predicted the majority of America’s citizens would become not just dumb but stupid with IQ’s lower than 80. The only fiction in this movie now as of today, was that it took 500 years. America with electing Biden has achieved Idiocracy in 2020 with the swearing in of Biden in DC behind barbwire and ringed in by armed soldiers. ————- The rest of the world is unaffected, with normal testosterone alpha men and women who bear them normal children. They see what has happened to the West and plan to quarantine us into oblivion. We and our democratic government are evolving into Idiocracy and mother nature will deal with us soon enough. The US military can’t find enough new recruits without babying them to stay in our military. We are doomed to tap out as a way of life, unless…


- a year ago  

I'm not sure how physical strength corresponds to intellectual capacity. In my experience the correlation is either non-existent or negative. All civilizations reach a stage of senility, where military power ensures removal of external threat and bread and circuses or some other form of soma maintains the internal peace. The result is the absence of the existential threats which stimulate creativity and invention. Like the Romans before them, the modern West thinks they can rule the world simply by being 'advanced' while actually sacrificing the intellectual skills needed to progress further. The poor ake up in STEM subjects in higher education is a symptom of this. Progress itself has become perceived as a crime against nature, as manifest in the various ecology sects, of which the Holy See of climate crisis is the most vociferous in its demand for the destruction of civilization. The Great Reset is all about reducing the human race to uncreative obedient zombies, which of course is the recipe for stagnation and collapse. But unlike the decadence of the West, will involve the entire human race.


- a year ago  

@GV - Physical strength is only a small portion of our DNA, near 80% of our DNA controls our brain synapses. (I also listen to Professor Edmond Dutton on his YouTube channel ‘The Jolly Heretic’, for years. This statistic comes from years of listening to this channel and investigating his data.). When modern science, both fossil fuels use and medical science, improved around 1900, the human race first in the West and now worldwide, has stopped its natural selection. How so? As the Jolly Prof states from the advent of time when humans existed on Mother Earth, only 50% of babies born on average only lived to adulthood to breed themselves and even then only the strongest and/or brightest not only had children but even maybe 50% of the remaining adults nurtured and raised children in loving fashion with a paternal father and maternal mother. Religion and God were manifest in their lives usually raising children to further the human race. Not so since 1900. 99 out of 100 children live to adulthood and so many that shouldn’t have kids do and do so with abandon. (No pun intended, so many children are abandoned.) What the Jolly Prof further admonishes is of these near 50% children living to adulthood that should not or would not have lived, 80% of their DNA is defective. Studies of rats (an animal Big Pharma knows is remarkably similar to humans) when given food, warmth and cozy living so they have no wants and can populate (breed) without any natural selection, do so and their testosterone drops and though only 50% at first become lazy and ignore their baby rats, very soon these maladaptive rats seem to infect the more normal rats to become lazy and uninterested in their baby rats. Up to 1830’s humans worldwide were never above1 billion, a number never exceeded in the history of the planet but today there are 8 billion humans worldwide and we are adding another billion nearly every 12 to 15 years. Live long and prosper 🖖… but, ————- We in the West cannot sustain this for much longer, that is deficit spending, endless wars and the worse thing, the nonsense of going NetZero. I predict the West will tap out by the actions of those in power, they are the ones with maladaptive DNA and believe their nonsense about global balmy and pray at the alter of NetZero. The more normal rats worldwide are over us and the end is near for us. I do believe when the near 50% maladaptive American rats are gone, that the more normal Americans will rise up again and defend this once great nation. There will much wailing and gnashing in our near future.


- a year ago  

With all respect to Stephen Hawking whose expertise in the esoteric is beyond question, I am dubious about his understanding of hydrodynamics, or even thermodynamics which are the pre-requisites for commenting on atmospheric physics. The greenhouse effect is akin to the phlogiston theory of heat, or ideas of spontaneous creation, or the belief that all matter is made up of four elements, or the myriad of other 'theories' which at the time were the consensus among the educated, all of which now seem laughable to modern ears. Venus is hot because as the gas circulates (as it must do because packages of gas are unstable under bouyancy forces) it undergoes a 400:1 compression. The temperature at the tropopause is fixed by the planetary radiation balance to the black body value multiplied by the fourth root of one half, the result is a massive adiabatic temperature rise as the circulating gas reaches the surface. The pressure ratio of the Earth is about 2:1 and now amount of carbon dioxide will change that. Calculations based on these notions are in quantitative agreement with the observed facts. The greenhouse effect is thermodynamic nonsense in the same category as crank proposals for perpetual motion machines.


- a year ago  

Water vapor/clouds have far more of a “greenhouse effect” than CO2 does, and yet CO2 is their #1 villain. It's madness!


- a year ago  

Yes the theory is rubbish. But even if it were valid CO2 would have damn' all effect. It will be a few years before the correct thermodynamic theory becomes mainstream, as the current climate divas will be toppled off their pedestals. That is unthinkable, so will not happen until they are displaced by the next generation of academic prima donnas. Anybody who thinks the scientific method has anything to do with it, is seriously deluded.