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Tony HellerPLUS



NASA - A new panorama from @MarsCuriosity provides some of the clearest evidence yet that ancient waves once lapped Martian lakeshores—in a region that scientists didn't expect:

  - 3:10

Originally uploaded to by NASA A new panorama from @MarsCuriosity provides some of the clearest evidence yet that ancient waves once lapped Martian lakeshores—in a region that scientists didn't expect:






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Uploaded a year ago  

February 11th 2023  

File Size: 23 MB



- a year ago  

I thought mars was on Devon Island Canada


- a year ago  

The only thing they're looking for is viruses, and I assure you there's none there. And if there is no viruses, there'll be no life on that rock. You'll eventually come to the conclusion only Earth can sustain life.


- a year ago  

Mars in its Northern Hemisphere is near a mile lower in elevation than the Southern Hemisphere. The Northern Hemisphere also has fewer craters on its vast lower plateau. —————. “The northern hemisphere of Mars is flat, smooth and sits a few kilometers lower than the Southern Hemisphere. The Southern Hemisphere is heavily cratered and peppered with pockets of past volcanic activity.” ————- What led to the Northern Hemisphere being lower, flat, no volcanoes and with a lot less cratering? Was the Northern Hemisphere hit and flattened by a massive asteroid? Mars in its mountainous heavily cratered Southern Hemisphere has very old craters, volcanoes and river beds that show they may have been massive glaciers. The Southern Hemisphere and its old craters, volcanoes and river beds are all worn, dry and dusty. ————— Yet the Northern Hemisphere of mars seems like a vast ocean bed. At 1/100th our atmospheric pressure Mars is far from capable of sustaining frail Earth bound humans, yet we can dream.


- a year ago  

This is what NASA should be doing, exploring our solar system and beyond. NASA should not be lying about climate change and scaring people about conditions on our own planet.


- a year ago  

Well, the "Father of Space Travel", and original NASA high-up Wernher Von Braun, was a Nazi SS member. He even worked with Disney to push the idea of human space travel in the 1950s. Their goals aren't as wholesome and benevolent as technical & scientific exploration... because they were literally plans put into place by German Nazis.


- a year ago  

Lol, typical NASA crappola. I have gone through about a third of all of its mast cam images and found large and small pure water droplets on the rover chassis and other parts and seen mud clinging to the rovers wheels at the same time and puddles that NASA tried to blurr which means Mars has rain, not some freakish dry ice or other BS, RAIN! I won't even mention the giant prickle plants the rover drives past nor the life forms that on rare occasions take a peek. NASA is owned by the military so they lie and cover up, Mars is the second habitable planet in our system and they will disclose that in a decade.


- a year ago  

What evidence do they have to base conclusions that all the features are "billions of years old"? Assumptions of the time required for the planet to lose all its water and magnetic field/atmosphere?


- a year ago  

When is Boston Dynamics going to make a robot that can go there and put some serious miles of exploration on? They just need a big solar base station it can return to to charge. Instead they waste their effort on flying drones for a place with almost no atmosphere.