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Tony HellerPLUS



Michael Tracey - Addressing a Chambers of Commerce meeting in Boca Raton today, Zelensky thanks BlackRock, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, and others for their support of Ukraine. Adds that sending Ukraine heavier weapons, like Abrams tanks, represents a "big business" opportunity for US corporations

  - 1:17

Originally uploaded to by Michael Tracey Addressing a Chambers of Commerce meeting in Boca Raton today, Zelensky thanks BlackRock, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, and others for their support of Ukraine. Adds that sending Ukraine heavier weapons, like Abrams tanks, represents a "big business" opportunity for US corporations






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Uploaded a year ago  

January 24th 2023  

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- a year ago  

Believe it or not! ————- Pelosi, Biden, Obama, Clinton’s and Gore are all crooks. They are liars. Yet they are elected again and again. ————- America deserves the coming calamity, the bankruptcy and pending horrible world war. These woke maladaptive spiteful but winning politicians, they will bring this nation to its third calamity. ————— George Washington was foretold by an angel one night at Valley Forge, after the Revolution and Civil War. Not until a third war comes to America and washes these maladaptive spiteful politicians and their minions to their wailing and gnashing horrible deaths, will the righteous people of America finally rise up to truly defend this great freedom loving nation. ————— Remember during the Revolutionary war a third fought for freedom, a third fought for the British and a third did nothing but General George Washington prevailed. He next was shown in his vision dream by the angel, half the country fought the other half to end slavery in our Civil War. But the last third war in America proper will be the worst but afterward freedom wins out. ————- Many will be tested in the coming third war in America and Russia, China and much of the rest of the world will try to destroy America. George Washington at Valley Forge was foretold this in a dream by an angel, calling him the father of this great nation. Believe it or not.


- a year ago  

How much of the money we send to Ukraine boomerangs back into the pockets of Traitor Joe and the other politicians who voted for it.


- a year ago  

And our principal industry; money laundering; is thriving, and the longer we can perpetuate this war, the more money we can make. Who cares about tens of thousands of dead soldiers.