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Alan S



A word from God for me.

  - 2:33

This was in October 2022 in Eastgate church in Elderslie, Scotland. Steve Begoo is from Christian Concern. He is also a prophet. He gave other words to others beforehand in the church that morning. I have a skinhead hairstyle and had on bright white garment on that morning. He saw me earlier in the back of the church, he had smiled said hello. I could sense he was going to say something to me. I was nervous. Regarding the blockage he mentioned, I'm not sure what "traumatic circumstance' caused the blockage but when he received the words he wrote them down and gave me the paper he wrote on after the service. I have heard in dreams a few times God's voice. Also audibly once, other whispers. But not the love part. On the paper it says it blocked the "the most important whispers". Steve prayed over me later, saw me in a vision very happy, skipping down a road. God is real. Repent brothers & sisters, Ask God to reveal his son, Jesus, believe his is LORD & God and died and shed his blood for our sins and is risen !.






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March 18th 2023  

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