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⚠️ You Will Wish You Watched This Before Tomorrow (2022)

  - 8:01

⚠️ You Will Wish You Watched This Before Tomorrow (2022) 143,706 views Jul 25, 2022 You Will Wish You Watched This Before Tomorrow (2022) message warning news current events july 2022 today this week this month motivation motivational SUBSCRIBE @Anonymous Official for more - WEBSITE - FACEBOOK - INSTAGRAM - TWITTER - Please SHARE this as widely as you feel drawn... In this motivational video I walk through what motivates people, a solid definition of motivation, and gives some examples of motivation techniques that can be used in your life. These videos will inspire and motivate you. Have a watch and get in touch with your natural power to pursue visions, make dreams happen and find the joy of impacting life's journeys! Watch this motivational video. Motivational videos can be a great way to get some positive energy during the day. This video is a great motivator. It will restore your hope in the future and help you rediscover your motivation to do things. This is a motivational video for the people who want to believe in yourself. We feature the following topics: Motivation Motivation Video Motivational Motivational Video Motivation Speech Content licensed in part by CTD Clip Licensing Group. Source:






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July 27th 2022  

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- 2 years ago  

This liberal luciferian new world order will win no matter what we do. Fighting & Protesting the new normal will only speed up the process by giving the government a reason to enact marshal law & clamp down even harder on our human rights. The so called elite rulers have the "Mark of Cain" and are ordained by God to rule us because we have forsaken the laws of God. This is all predicted & explained in Revelations. Study the Holy Bible, It helps to explain exactly whats going on


- 2 years ago  

Except the Bitcoin content I agree completely.


- 2 years ago  

Either way, right now the nano-router in the injection, plus the gene altering spike protein is the DNA killer. Both are transmissible, one tracks you, the other slowly kills you, makes men sterile, women miscarriage. So, it's time to grow a garden, and barter for things. At some point the internet will be only for those who've been injected. You can't do banking without a social credit score, pay taxes on property. Buy food, gas, or see a doctor. So, it's going to be war, and once these children start dying in greater numbers, parents wIll be out for blood. They're dead anyway.


- 2 years ago  

Now that people are waking up and acknowledging who the real enemies are, TOGETHER we can take them on because there's strength in numbers. And there are more of us than there are of them. We can do this! So long as God goes before us, we can be His army to fight this evil.


- 2 years ago  

The first line of this video is actually not the truth. What the Chinese government told people is that what people thought had been deposits were actually investment products. I am not a fan of the Communist Party of China, but this was not done by the government of China but rather fraud committed by the Chinese banks involved. Any fact, the statement by the government of China was simply to advise people of the fraud. Also, the Chinese government froze accounts actual deposits or restricted the amount that could be withdrawn to prevent a run on the banks, which was obviously the proper thing to do in this situation because most people were unaware of the fraud that had been committed.


- 2 years ago  

True. I saw that coverage on YouTube. Many lost their life savings because they apparently weren't clearly understanding the risks involved in their 'investment' and others thought they were making a deposit into their account. The perpetrators fled the country, believed to be the U.S. Why not. Birds of a feather flock together. I'm terribly saddened learning how corrupt and evil America's government, military, and corporations have been all of my life...right under my nose, but never saw it until these past 2.5 years.


- 2 years ago  

And you think that the ccp does not control the banks? I think you are naive as the ccp controls it all and if you are not aware then you are retarded.


- 2 years ago  

Bandit6: The CCP does not directly run everything in China. Like every other government, they create rules and laws that other people are then expected to follow. China no longer operates on a purely communist economy but rather a mix of private and governmental ownership and control. This is exactly what has allowed their economy to grow to where it is now. Do you honestly think the CCP would engage in a fraud that would obviously create the political unrest they are seeing in China right now because of this issue? The people who ran these banks are the ones who committed the fraud; that is why they fled the country along with the money. Your analysis is incomplete to say the least and demonstrates your own ignorance regarding this subject.

Dragon Slayer Intel

- 2 years ago  

you will be more worried about food over gold or fiat paper, before long.