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Apostasy SHOCKING VIDEO Deception be warned -link

Laughter Anointing, Deception, Apostasy - SHOCKING VIDEO Brothers in Christ CHECK LIST to help eliminate false and deceived pastor/preachers & church teachings. Short List: 10 simple Filters to test the blind leading the blind! *Denying the flat and stationary earth - Mind controlled via Everything *Believing in planets and space is not biblical. *Denying the required baptism. Acts 2:38 *Belief in a pre-trib rapture proof in Scripture! *Denying supernatural power nearly all suffer un-belief on this. *Denying Jesus and or His name Acts 4:12 *Teaching that the commandments are done away with is evil! *Denying supernatural power M.E. caused changes to reality, even to the bible *Giving in to fear, and not able to stand in faith trusting God and the unseen might of God. *JUDEO-CHRISTIAN and 5013c tax EXEMPT churches, massive deception- delusion oxymoron belief, double minded jew liars that hate Jesus TEACHING Christians. *Preaching feel good messages in a time that should be fire & brimstone repentance revivals with sack cloth and ashes preaching reverence and the fear of God. Use the above short list to test any preacher or so called prophet, if they fail the check list then they are a false teacher, or prophet. If they pass all of those, ask them the name of the Holy Spirit. They should know, I do. Baptizing in the name of the father, and in the name of the son, and the name of the Holy Spirit. Warning the great multitude, that there are, more false and or ignorant deceiving preacher people than ever, many who are under strong delusion themselves. Beware Microwave voice to skull weapon systems.. God does not speak in English or the like, God puts His spirit knowledge directly into your heart and soul ! The elect know this already..






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July 18th 2022  

Category: News

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