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Dragon Slayer Intel



Climber Hurl's a Charging Bear Off a Mountain

  - 3:10

Climber saves himself by kicking a Charging Bear Off a Mountain Jaw-Dropping Video Charging Bear 【貴重映像】登山中に熊に襲われた _ Bear attacks climber About 4 years ago I moved as far away from the cities as possible. Since then I have been living in an old tumble down shack, beyond where the roads end. Here there be, cliffs, caves and primitive old growth forest covered in Kudzu infested with every kind of insect there is and some that shouldn't exist but do. There are your occasional rather large black cats, wolves, coy wolves and the coyote, black bears, and deer. I've seen snakes up to 16 feet long, one that was as big in diameter as a basket ball with an even larger head, with 2in fangs. At night the roar of all the creatures can be deafening, and when they all go silent, I know something dangerous is a foot. Because that only happens when something puts the fear of death through out the forest in all living creatures. Yet, with all of that, I have peace every day and at night I sleep well and awaken to another beautiful day after another. Sometimes there are harder days and some days I go with out, but I wouldn't go back to the cities insanity I see getting worse day by day, no matter what. In these conditions here in the wild I have found a closeness to God that gives me peace few get to known. About every few months I make my way to the edge of civilization to buy needed items. Other wise I just stay here and do my survival work. Also using skills learned in life and a long range WiFi antenna up high atop a ridge-line, from there can just barely get online. I'll spend a few hours reading and maybe share what I think will help all of people, and my own grown up kids also. I always hope many are escaping the declining septic cities with all the beast system programming. I share the rare truth here newtube






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Uploaded a year ago  

July 15th 2023  

File Size: 18 MB

Category: News

1 Comment

Dragon Slayer Intel

- a year ago  

I share the rare truth only on this site newtube, and I make no money at all doing that.. I;m old now, to old to fight like younger soldiers can, and wise enough to know that the pen can do much more than the sword. I end this with my Actual Location Classified to keep the demonic zombie hordes at bay, just joking mostly.. May God bless you & keep you, original Caucasian people who can blush as it is written,, at peace