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Trumps Space Force is From The Pit of Hell - links

Trumps Space Force is From The Pit of Hell, Wake Up its HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT! Our history as Israelite's, Scythians Saka and then Saxons the caucasian migrated to many nations, seeking the promised new land that God prepared for the Christians to come. That land was to have an eastern Sea and a western Sea on either side and cattle in numbers like the stars above. The new land, is what our forefathers called it, as they gave thanks to God, after getting off the ships from England centuries ago. The USA has no comparison to what we have achieved as a people in spit of the destroyers among us, as they call themselves. They are the Edomites masquerading as God's people while they rebel against God, and hate Jesus Christ, whom is God. Jews are impostors and worship money and pray to Lucifer the devil. These words I wrote here, are true and come from the Bible and our history and the jews themselves. They can't repent, they have an appointment, as it is written,in the book of Obadiah, God's prophet. Bundled and fired ! Read the book Obadiah, its in the old testament, blow the dust of Grand dads bible and see. Flee from among them, if you are wise and have eyes to see.. -------------- There must be a special place in Hell for these people doing this - David Knight show Been brainwashing the public effectively w/ TV for long time. These the same that took the shots, who are pleasure seekers, also as it is written. Those who knew their bible and have faith, saw this miles away, because they sacrificed the time to study God's word ! Virgin lamp oil--> Live player --->






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August 12th 2022  

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