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Dragon Slayer Intel



Encouraging The Herd To Inject Poison

  - 1:55

THE BATTLE IS THE LORD'S - GOD IS WITH US Those whom were not deceived out of this command by Jesus -->ACTS 2:38 and again, if you went beyond John 3:16's and read the rest of the scriptures, you would also have known about this Mark 16:16. Only way to put on Christ, and be clothed in the wedding garments, when the Bridegroom comes. Yes, you must confess your sins to the witnesses and then you do as all the Apostles did. The same thing Jesus did, and it was then the spirit of GOD came unto him. Read all of Acts and you will see, every time, a hundred were baptized they were added to the church, which is the believers not a building. The problem you will have is finding a true Christ doer of the word, whom will baptize as it is written, saying HIS name, not some other name, but this name --> Acts 4:12 Jesus.. Fully submersed under the water with your witnesses, present and confessed. If you were like most, you are guilty of all 11 commandments, as was I. Its a long way to go, but I do know SFA in my links can baptize you. There are many that will try and stop you, all the more reason to be watchful. I actually had to do it twice, as i foolishly trusted a preacher I met, and he never said Jesus name, i had witnesses but they told me later that he never called upon Christ name, which indeed has power. Be alert.. And none of the obedient God trusting true believes whom know the scriptures would ever take that shot, or the test. Because trading man's poor abilities, over God,, is a ridiculous choice. ----other info---- GREEN SKIES IN SOUTH DAKOTA -----The Way----- Scriptures for America Worldwide Fighting the good fight for decades, warning well before all this evil there is on now. Micah 4:12 But they do not know the thoughts of the Lord, Nor do they understand His counsel; For He will gather them like sheaves to the threshing floor.






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July 7th 2022  

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Category: Politics



- 2 years ago  

And this verifies that big pharma owns Washington DC, state governments and county governments


- 2 years ago  

Vain lying c*nt

Flat Plane 2020

- 2 years ago  

This is why I don’t trust the man especially after we know the side effects and yet he still goes on bragging about it.

Dragon Slayer Intel

- 2 years ago  

Warp Culling and soul stealing. Tell this to the suffering and dying vaxxed.