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Daniel B·



I School Lionel Nation on Two False Flags

  - 10:46

Lionel from Lionel Nation, the popular YouTube channel (190k subs, 45 million video views) is a rare character on YouTube, one who not only believes 9/11 was an obvious false flag (building 7 freefall...), but rarely, he also calls out the climate change scam (we've been blessed with a wondrous planet, and CO2 is actually essential to life on Earth, but it doesn't somehow possess magical properties, that give it the ability to affect climate temperatures when it only accounts for 0.04% of the atmosphere, which is why it's classified as a trace gas!). However, he does not appear to be ready to highlight the full depth of deception of these home grown false flags, and was belittling those that understandably now start from the position that these events are completely staged, and thankfully, no one actually dies, or is purposely injured in these events. The video I present was initially a private video I created for Lionel, but I despite my best efforts, I doubt he ever saw it. Somehow, it earned me a bullying strike on my danny8bit YouTube channel, but once you realize the two events are clearly staged, they are not graphic in the slightest, and all contempt should be directed at the traitors who carried out these acts, which were respectively, to undermine the Second Amendment, and to undermine the legitimate presidency of Donald Trump (this is coming from a staunch ex-Bernie supporter, with him supporting military action over the Syrian false flags being the last straw...). The events in question are the Virginia reporter [fake] shooting, and the Charlottesville [fake] car attack.






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February 11th 2021  

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Category: Politics

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