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Enough with “conspiracy theories” It is proven safe.. see it HERE for yourself!

  - 1:51

Beware.. These injections are designed to cause many different effects. It’s short term, midterm & long term were never actually studied. Real placebo double blind studies were never attempted, even for few weeks… not even proper full animal studies. And why would they waste money on studies, if they can get “Emergency use” approval on the general public, with full immunity from liability? I have few videos, from former vice president, to a whistleblower, to Doctors sharing what they know about it… please watch them here on the channel, before risking life and future. God bless! This is the BEST resource for the awaken! “Newtube/Darek” video channel has Over 550 videos library. All FREE ! Please copy URL, and post wherever you see fit! Subscribe to get notifications as new videos get posted. Stay ahead of the game. God bless!






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

December 18th 2020  

File Size: 10 MB

Category: Health And Wellness



- 3 years ago  

Nurse "passing out" is a primitive hoax.

Dragon Slayer Intel

- 3 years ago  

Folks, I would like to hear from you, post or click on comment. Don't be fearful men, act like men. What can the evil powers do to any of us. Who can add a minute to their lives, if its our time, then that is God's will. I know this, we must live be example, so that our children have a future. The meek will inherit the Earth, and meek does not mean what you think ! I looked that up "meek" years ago in a dictionary from the 1800's. Faithful unto God..--Surely somebody dares to say, No way I'm taking that crap vaxVexHex crap and nobody else should either.--