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“New World Order” Pope Francis says Jesus is son of Satan! - LITERALLY! SHARE

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October 28th 2020  

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- a year ago  

I love it when evil tells the truth. Haven't I been saying this all along? You know why they do that? Just like when they poison our food. If you are stupid enough to buy it & to eat it or stupid enough not to believe them. Then all of that bad Karma for the evil they do falls on you, instead of them. "You were warned." they would say & you certainly have been over & over again, but you are too stupid or to proud or to stubborn to do your own research. In doing so, you finance the genocide of us all. Thankfully, that kind of stupid shortens your life. For the good of us all, Indulge. Your people ignorance of your own Bible & its proper translation, never fails to amaze. But, But, just think about it for one second. If that were true? That would explain so much. Wouldn't it?


- 2 years ago  

God is Satan God created man to be his spirits best most loved physical host on Earth. God's spirit lives in every liveing creature, even the worms liveing in the domain of the Earth's crust that he created to devour everything that eats from his creatures life. Adam and Eve crushed the nematode worm liveing in the fruit and killed, murdered one of gods animals for food against gods wishes. God new the eggs of the worm would hatch then take Adam and Eve as a liveing host for food too. God new the worms would eat them alive inside until the sickness they caused stole there souls and they died. God new that Eve would give to her children her parasites and they would eventually kill all there off spring for eternity. God new that if they disobied him they would murder all there decendents ment to be gods temples. Adam and Eve were forgiven for everything except committing suicide by murder for food. This is the secret the church and medical industry conspire through government to hide from you inorder to profit from your illnesses and the lack of knowledgge there of. Wake up to the lords truth, Turn away from murder for food, and never go back to those wicked ways of humanity.


- 2 years ago  

Lucifer IS Satan the devil (the serpent). Lucifer was in heaven but when he was caste to the Earth because he and a third of the angels rebelled against the Law of God as he fell he became Satan the devil as did the fallen angels who are all devils now - this was the curse that came upon him - he lost his beauty and became a ugly deformed serpent. Yet his heart is the same and his desires have not changed. Everywhere the serpent symbol is - that is where he works his deceptions to deceive the whole into worshiping him.


- a year ago  

LMAO: Interesting interpretation. The worm is called Toxoplasmosis Gondii & it is an organic demon that goes back to before the pyramids. As for your Annunaki gods of the Bible this is a prison planet. Made so because the Christian gods are so evil the rest of the Universe wanted nothing to do with them. Even they can't achieve heaven, so good luck expecting them to keep any such promises. LOL. You Christians are the most gullible parasites this planet has ever seen.


- 2 years ago  

Lucifer IS Satan the devil (the serpent). Lucifer was in heaven but when he was caste to the Earth because he and a third of the angels rebelled against the Law of God as he fell he became Satan the devil as did the fallen angels who are all devils now - this was the curse that came upon him - he lost his beauty and became a ugly deformed serpent. Yet his heart is the same and his desires have not changed. Everywhere the serpent symbol is - that is where he works his deceptions to deceive the whole into worshiping him.


- 3 years ago  

Lucifer is not Satan, they are 2 separate spiritual beings.


- 3 years ago  

"My name is lucifer, please take my hand".


- a year ago  

Oh, don't you wish. The Bible was written for 2 different audiences. It was written in Greek instead of Hebrew, because the audience back then, being under the tyranny of Rome (as we are now) was used to reading in allegory for the Greek people & in lies for the tyrants. In other words you sir are a tyrant. Too stupid to even understand the word allegory. Too stupid to even know we are still under they tyranny of Rome.


- 3 years ago  

Lucifer is not Satan, they are 2 separate spiritual beings.


- 3 years ago  

You're splitting hairs! Lucifer was the chief Angel of God who got arrogant thinking HE should be worshipped like God!