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Darkness Is Falling



The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 98 - The Roman Virus & Vaccine Cabal

  - 56:59

I want to once again provide an overview of world events to remind you the listener about the Roman Catholic “virus and vaccine” criminal cabal that have hijacked science and are pushing pseudo science in the “guise” of “real” science on an unsuspecting public. This agenda of vaccine Medical Inquisition by the Babylonian “SNAKE” Cult is heavily supported by ALL national governments and their health ministries under the direction of the Jesuit controlled W.H.O. Their logo with a “Snake” on it is all you have to see to know who they are. If you see a snake then you know who’s behind it. All the top personal in these organizations whether public or private are Luciferian Catholics or Freemasons and are complicit in pushing lies and deception upon a world public, ignorant of real science. The ONLY reason that these people have risen to the top positions in these organizations is because they have NO morals and love this world more than God. They were put there by the Jesuits and are either open or secret Catholics or Freemasons and were willing to work for the Jesuit Vatican world wide spider web of NWO government agencies for reward. They are traitors, dark hearts and members of the league of Judas, selling out their fellow man for “thirty pieces of silver.” All these organizations fall under the control of the United Nations “UMBRELLA CORPORATION” (depicted symbolically in the movie Resident Evil) and so most people can’t recognize the almost invisible web that connects them all. I urge you to beware of ANYTHING these so called “Experts” say. They can only speak the language of their father, the Dragon or Satan whom they serve. DO NOT BELIEVE THEIR FALSE PROMISES of equality and justice for all. That is NOT their plan. They are LYING to you! Learn more at: How To Get Saved And Become A Christian The Roman Catholic Mark Of The Beast






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